Body Parts Are Not Trends

Will it be curvy? How about hourglass? No, maybe pear?


I think it’s about time that we stop paying attention to (subconsciously) what shape or size society suggests is in this season and start owning and embracing the body we’re in.

I hear all the time “small boobs are in!” And while I love hearing women say that, I think we should be reframing it slightly to… NATURAL BODIES ARE IN!

• regardless of its shape
• regardless of its size
• regardless if it’s proportionate or not
• regardless if it has dimples or stretch marks.

Our body parts are not trends, ladies.

  • Big butts
  • Thin waists
  • Thick thighs
  • Large breasts

IT STOPS HERE. This year. 2020. No more! #SizeHappy

Our bodies are perfect machines.
Our body is a miraculous marvel.
Our body is OUR business.

There is, IN FACT, nothing wrong with your body, your face, your skin complexion, your eyelashes, your stomach, your stretch marks, cellulite, hair, teeth – I could go on and on…

naming off every body part and feature that THEY tell us “isn’t enough”… “is too much”.

I’m sorry (not sorry) F*ck that!

What IS wrong are companies telling you “this product will get you the guy… make you happy… and fulfill all your wildest dreams”.

Yeah. No. #FakeNews

Real is in, ladies. It’s making a comeback.

And it has nothing to do with size or shapes, weight or numbers.

Just good ol’ untouched, gracefully aging beauty. 

That’s what we are all about here at Size: Happy – join us!

here’s to self-love, health and vibing high,

Christina Roulund-Dennis

Founder of Size: Happy

B.I.I. BRIDGE (pre & post explant 12-week program)

Waiting to explant is an emotional rollercoaster.
Doubts, fears, and anxiety creep in constantly.
If you’ve already explanted you’re probably wondering, “am I healing right? Is this normal? When should I start detoxing?
Dr Amelia and I have heard it all.
That’s why we are putting our heads (and hearts) together to bring you the BII BRIDGE.
Who better to help lead the way on the journey back to WHOLE BODY HEALTH than two Breast Implant Illness Warriors with a passion for helping women rejuvenate!


What is the B.I.I. BRIDGE?

Bridging the gap between Breast Implant Illness and whole body health
🤷🏻‍♀️ BRIDGE? What’s that?
 ‘Bridge’ is an acronym that stands for:
B*ody Image
R*oot Cause
I*mmune System
G*ut Health
E*motional Support (and Exercise!)
BUT you can bet we will be splashing in a dash of self-love, EFT & visualization, the lymphatic system (one of the most overlooked and important systems), hormones, nutrition, essential oils – and more!
This is NOT a program that solely focuses on the physical body, supplements, and detox.
BII BRIDGE is a mind & body focused program for any woman wanting to look and feel better, both before and after her explant.
We believe that the physical body has a harder time healing with a toxic mind, and a toxic mind won’t heal the body nearly as fast as it’s capable.
The Mind-Body Connection must be strong for whole-body health, any form of healing to take place, and in order to live a blissed-out life.


BII BRIDGE is broken up into two phases:

  • The Pre-Op Phase (Fighter Phase)
  • The Post-Op Phase (Warrior Phase)

🥊 In the Fighter Phase (Pre-Op) we will be helping you:

  • strengthen your immune system
  • improve your gut health
  • get your nutrition on point
  • work through any emotions, fears, and triggers
  • prepare your home and get things in order for your big day
so that you walk into surgery as healthy, strong, confident, and prepared as humanly possible!

⚔️ In the Warrior Phase (Post-Op) we will be helping you:

  • heal ~ mind and body immediately following your surgery
  • build your gut back up (especially after antibiotics)
  • remove toxins safely and effectively, aka detox
  • eat for optimal health and healing
  • ease back into exercising, moving your body, and lifting weights
  • adjust to your new body & boobies
  • work through any emotions, concerns, or doubts that pop up
so that you get back to being you again, showing up fully for those you love, and embrace your new body (and boobies)!
🌙 There will be weekly affirmations, visualization exercises, meditations, and EFT (tapping) sessions included in BOTH Phases!

With all the advice out there in the land of Facebook Groups, no “one” person or  one “Group” is addressing all of this in the right order, that’s easy for you to apply and implement safely.

There are so many suggestions being thrown out there daily, like…
do this… no, this way is better.
– take this… no, that one is horrible. Here’s what I take.
– try this brand… that brand sucks. Here, try this one.
– look into Medical Medium… no, Robert Morse, Gerson Therapy, Andy Cutler. 😫Who is the best!?
It’s information overload, downright confusing, and dangerous.
That’s why we’re stepping in 👠👠
Every BODY is different and requires different dosages, time frames to start and end, attention… not to mention if you’re on medication or have a medical condition, you have got to be careful.
When you go through this program, before we even begin, we are going to be asking you:
  1. What symptoms are you currently dealing with?
  2. Do you have the EBV?
  3. Do you have the MTHFR gene mutation?
  4. What have you been diagnosed with after you got breast implants?
  5. Were your implants ruptured when you explanted?
  6. What other supplements and prescriptions are you taking?
  7. Are you, or do you plan to get pregnant in the next 12 weeks?
  8. How’s your diet? Do you have any allergies or sensitivities?
  9. Are you currently exercise?
  10. Do you have any physical limitations/injuries?
These 10 things play a MAJOR role in your healing and detox journey. And no two women are alike.


Dr. Amelia will specifically be focusing on your gut health, immune system, nutrition, supplements, and detox.
Christina will specifically be addressing body-image, self-love, stress, and emotions.


✔️ Both Phases are 12 weeks long and are laid out strategically to help you calmly walk into surgery and confidently walk out of surgery.
If you’d like to be notified when this program is available, put your name and email address here:


here’s to health and happiness,


Christina and Dr. Amelia

Why Do I Wait 4 Weeks Post Explant to Detox?

Detox is one of the hottest topics amongst the Breast Implant Illness community.

And for good reason.

All breast implants have over 40 toxins on the shell – including heavy metals, neurotoxins, endocrine and hormone disruptors, and carcinogens.

And after finding this out we desperately want to remove them, and all the toxins, as fast as we can!

But with detoxing you’ve gotta be smart, take it slow, and play it safe.

Common questions I hear are:

When can I start detoxing?

Why shouldn’t I detox before I explant?

What should I be focusing on before I explant?

Why do I need to wait 4-6 weeks post explant to detox?

Below, I’m going to explain what you should be focusing on before you explant and why it’s important to wait 4-6 weeks post-explant to start any form of detoxing.

What you want to focus on BEFORE you explant is boosting your immune system by:

  • optimize your gut health and boosting your gut microbiome
  • stimulating your lymphatic system with dry brushing, rebounding, and hydrotherapy
  • Incorporate things such as Vitamin C, mushrooms, and essential oils
  • continue existing exercise routine (quit 7-10 days before you explant)
  • eat wholesome, organic food as much as possible
  • drink plenty of purified water
  • reduce stressors (people, environments, bad habits, etc.)
  • getting plenty of rest and deep sleep (pitch dark room at 67 degrees for highest melatonin production)
  • *reduce alcohol (completely quit two weeks before you explant)
  • *reduce sugar and artificial sweeteners (completely quit two weeks before you explant)
  • incorporate emotional healing techniques like meditation, visualization, tapping, journaling, etc.
  • Self-care, self-love, and focusing on all the fun things you want to do after you explant! Positive mindset, baby.

*alcohol and sugar cause massive inflammation and weaken the immune system for up to six hours after consumption

Here are supplements I recommend looking into both pre and post explant.

You’ll want to discontinue all supplements (besides probiotics) two weeks before you explant.

Bromoline (pineapple juice) and Arnica are highly recommended to start taking 5-7 days BEFORE your explant to help reduce bruising, swelling, and pain.

The main reason why you don’t want to start any form of detox BEFORE you explant is

because you don’t want to potentially start pulling toxins and heavy metals from your breast implants.

When you do a detox, you are essentially pushing toxins out from your cells, fat, and organs (even your brain), which then gets circulated throughout your body. You must then incorporate a binder, which grabs onto the toxins and pulls them out of the body either by way of sweat, urine, or fecal matter (poop).

Long story short.

And besides, in my opinion, detoxing with breast implants is a waste of money and energy because you still have the source of the toxins in you long after you discontinue the detox.

It’s recommended to start detoxing 4-6 weeks AFTER you explant. Here is why.

  1. Your body has just gone through a physically traumatic experience. The first 4-6 weeks after you explant (and longer if you got a fat transfer) is the time to only focus on rest, recovery, self-care, and forgiveness.
  2. You want to be sure to give your body at least four weeks to repair tissue, repair muscle, heal, and detox on its own… without the influence of herbs, supplements, and binders.
  3. You were put under with anesthesia and probably washed with an antibiotic solution. These things are going to take some time to completely get out of your system, so don’t be alarmed if you feel weak, nauseous, bloated, and lightheaded for up to three weeks. Especially if you have the MTHFR gene, which makes detoxing harder.
  4. Because of number three 👆🏼you don’t want to potentially feel any worse if you don’t have to from detox symptoms, which typically include fatigue, headaches, and general achiness.

I hope this helped clarify some things!

If you still have questions, please email me at

You can also find me inside my Facebook Group, Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education with Christina , where I’m very active.

If you’re not on Facebook – you should be! But that’s ok… you can also find me on Instagram here

For more information regarding Breast Implant Illness, explanting, detox, and healing visit the Breast Implant Illness section of my website ( coming soon)

here’s to self-love, health, and vibing high,

Christina Roulund

Founder and Leader of Size: Happy

Seeing Your New Breasts For The First Time After Explanting

No matter how confident and secure you are in your relationship or with your body, the thought of getting an explant and going back to a smaller breast size is scary.

Will I be completely flat?

What if I end up deformed or misshaped?

What if I have big scars that never go away?

I’d like to think that I’m a pretty secure woman who is confident and happy with her body, but we all have our moments.

Yes, even Beyonce and J Lo.

In this blog I want to share with you my perspective and give you some things to think about when it comes to your new breasts.

When I decided to explant I knew I’d be small because I have very little breast tissue and my skin is thin, both due to breast feeding my son for four months.

Honestly, I expected to be flat… and I was perfectly ok with that if it meant getting my health and life back.

My health, family, happiness and quality of life are what’s most important to me… not the size of my breasts.

Sometimes we have to make sacrifices and decisions that just don’t seem fair. And this was definitely one of those times.

I had to stop fronting, get really honest with myself and ask: Would you rather have these big breasts that are potentially making you ill and continue to live a mediocre life, or are you ok with having smaller breasts and living a freaking epic life? – you can’t have both.

Not in my case at least.

For me it was an easy decision!

I was willing to lose a physical (foreign) part of myself if it meant the emotional, mental and spiritual side of me would flourish and shine bright again.

And boy has it been!

I was glad to trade my breast implants and have some pretty scars for a brand new life full of unlimited happiness, health, success and adventures.

Ultimately I was done with the days of:

  • laying around, doing the bare minimum each day just to get by.
  • never wanting to do anything with my family because I didn’t have the energy or desire to.
  • watching everyone around me grow their businesses and succeed in life.
  • feeling like I was lazy, when I knew in my heart I am a very driven, ambitious woman.

No regrets. Not a single one.

Smaller breasts do not mean you’re any less of a woman, less worthy of love, less deserving or less attractive. I don’t give a flying flip what society or trolls on the internet try to tell you.

You’re beautiful just as you are. Your breasts do NOT define you.

And you wanna know something crazy? I am a more confident woman standing here before you today than I ever was with my breast implants.

I mean, I got breast implants because I wasn’t confident in the first place. You know?

Not only did I explant because I wanted to feel alive again, I explanted (without hesitation) because I now realize wholeheartedly that confidence does not have anything to do with a body part. Plus I’m a health coach and it felt so out of alignment to be teaching someone how to be healthy when I’m sitting here with two toxic foreign objects implanted inside of my body for the sake of vanity.

I was not being a good example of true health and loving your body as it is. That’s how I felt inside and I hated it. Alignment is everything to me

From my own personal transformation and in my own opinion, confidence stems from taking your power back, setting firm boundaries with everyone close to you, knowing and realizing your worth and falling madly in love with every inch of yourself despite what anyone else says or thinks about you.

What to expect after surgery and some of my best self-love advice

    1. When you first get out surgery you’re going to look down and things are going to look smushed and wrinkly. This is totally normal, don’t worry!


    1. How you look on day one is not how you’ll look on month one or  year one. Let your husband know…


    1. After your explant you’re going to feel so much better that your new breast size won’t matter at all (at least this is what I’m hoping happens).


    1. Be patient with your body. She just went through a serious surgery and is doing the best she can to heal and repair things, while still focusing on all your other bodily functions.


    1. I did a Live chat with my good friend Sarah Phillipe last month about self-love… here are our notes. This goes over a ton and are all the things I did to get me to where I am today on my self-love journey.


    1. From my own personal experience and after talking to a few women, your breasts after explant will jiggle more. Going over bumps and running are going to feel weird for a couple months. Just something I thought I should mention because it’s weird lol


    1. This entire process is an adjustment for your spouse too. At the end of the day he should be supportive and proud of you for taking control of your health. If your breasts are more important to him than your health, he’s not the one for you. I unapologetically feel this way. Being with a man who only cares about your looks is not healthy… I hope you understand this.


    1. Showing your husband your new breasts, especially if you had implants before you two met, is going to be uncomfortable at first. “What is he honestly thinking?” But just rock it! Own it. Show him the real you that is happy with her decision and not shaken by the looks of your new breasts (even if you are a little bit). I’m telling you, he’s going to find that quality about you so sexy.


    1. I’m the type of person who’s like “look at these and get used to them. I’m proud of myself and happy with my itty bittys… and you’re going to be too, darn it.”  😂 I’ve always made things funny or lighthearted in situations like this. What are you going to do anyways? You can’t change anything. Might as well embrace it.


    1. You have two choices – let it affect you and your relationship negatively or just have fun and laugh at it all. I choose to make the best of any situation, even if it’s not a good one to be in. I’m always joking about my small boobies. You’ll still find me looking down and saying “damn, that happened so fast! Where’d they go!?”


Knock your husbands socks off and show him that you’re a confident, powerful women and your breast size will not take that away from you or the relationship!

You’re a brave, beautiful woman and I’m so very proud of you!

❤︎ Christina Roulund-Dennis

If you’re on Facebook join my Group, Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education With Christina

Not on Facebook? Find me on Instagram!

Notes About Self-Love With Sarah Phillipe

I had the privilege to chat with Sarah Phillipe from Reversing Breast Implant Illness and her Group of 1,1oo women today! 

Here’s a breakdown of what we discussed.

What is Size: Happy?

Size: Happy is a movement and this is the message

  1. We embrace, appreciate and love our body during every phase of our journey.
  2. Our worth and confidence isn’t determined by a number or size – it’s measured by all the things that make us happy and make us feel good.
  3. Happiness is something  that we are choosing to experience right now, no matter what our current breast size, jean size or body size is.
  4. We don’t wait until we achieve a certain size or have that tangible thing to live in happiness – we live with it here and now, while still working towards our goals and big dreams.
  5. We do not live by societies standards (or anybody’s opinions) of what’s in or considered to be pretty – we live by our own rules and make up our own minds as to what we feel is beautiful.

I’m a rebel naturally, so I don’t typically follow norms or conform to labels.

The way I see it, “whose to tell me what’s beautiful, in or trendy this season?” Not some magazine or celebrity gossip channel, that’s for sure.

Here’s the fact – you’re going to be “too much” or “not enough” for some people.

And oh-freaking-well. That’s their issue and not yours to carry around or believe.


What does self-love look like to you and what would you say to those who are struggling with it?


My definition of self love is doing anything that makes you feel pretty or makes you happy.

That could be anything from:

  • painting your own nails
  • taking a hot bubble bath
  • getting dressed up for no reason
  • getting a massage on your lunch break
  • saying no when you really want to say no
  • setting boundaries (this is super important)
  • eating in a way that serves you and your goals
  • playing with animals (one thing that makes me so happy every time)
  • watching a movie or reading a book instead of finishing your to-do list
  • eliminating, removing or decreasing all the things and people that don’t serve you

If you’re struggling with self-love, you might need to unravel a lot of old programming, limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that isn’t true, serving you or allowing you to grow and evolve.

We pick up a lot of things subconsciously throughout our life from the people closest to us, strangers and even tv and magazines.

Our past experiences, relationships and interactions shape up into who we are today.

One of the best things you can start with is to dig deep into understanding where these thoughts and feelings are stemmed from, and then identifying if they are in fact actually true (which 99% of the time they’re not).

As you go through this process, do not judge what comes up. Do not dwell on a thought or past experience for too long.

Allowing yourself to feel “negative emotions” is one of the fasted ways to heal.

You must feel to fully heal.


From your years of struggling with self-love and coaching hundreds of women, what are your best pieces of advice or things women can do to start living with more self-love and start fully embracing their new body?


  1. Ask yourself , What do I have control of? 

Your health, happiness, attitude and actions are four of the biggest ones.

Everything else that you don’t have control of, such as:

  • your breast size after surgery
  • what the pains going to be like
  • what happens to you on the surgery table once you’re under anesthesia

you need to release and let go of.

At the end of the day you’re going to have surgery and you’re going to have smaller breasts. That’s all you know for sure.

What’s in your control is the fact that you can pray that everything goes well, hand it over to whoever you believe in and have faith.

*trust me, I’m a control freak do this takes work


2. Change your thoughts and the words you use.

Thoughts are powerful. More powerful than you may know.

I talked about this in one of my other blogs,  but words like “can’t, scared, mad, ugly,”, etc. literally weaken the body, whereas things like “I’ll figure it out, I can do this, everything’s going to go smooth, I’m going to feel amazing” strengthen the body and carry a different vibrational frequency.

I know… it’s woo-woo, but it’s a fact.

On the topic of thoughts and words, social media needs to be brought up.

If you’re following an account and you notice that you’re always sitting there comparing your looks or body to anothers, which is leaving you feeling less then or not enough, I highly encourage you to unfollow that account.

You sitting there comparing isn’t allowing you to grow.

It’s keeping you stuck, destroying your mental health and brain washing you into believing that everyones lives are perfect and flawless – which is the furthest thing from the truth.

Next time you’re scrolling through social media, if what you’re seeing isn’t empowering, inspiring or motivating you, hit unfollow.

Your mental health and confidence will improve so fast within a month!


3. It’s about awareness and how quickly you bounce back!

We all have slips ups in our actions/habits and words/thoughts – and that’s ok.

For instance, I find myself comparing my body or breasts to anther woman at least once a week.

I now quickly catch myself, pull myself back into a loving state and remind myself that nobody else’s beauty diminishes mine.

This will take time, but as it continues to happen it’ll get easier and easier and you’ll catch yourself quicker and quicker.

It’s not about being perfect, it’s about realizing that when a thought, person or action/habit isn’t serving you and then quickly doing something about it.

Don’t let things simmer or fester. Just be patient with you body and self and know that you’ll always be a work-in-progress.

You never “arrive“. You will always be growing and evolving. That’s life.


4. Regarding your breasts and scars after surgery.

Yes, your breasts will look smaller and like a deflated balloon right after surgery.

Don’t stress.

Over the course of a year your breasts are going to change shape and fill out.

Once you see how good you feel, the size of our breasts aren’t even going to matter.

I’d much rather have my small A cup and feel amazing than to go back to a D cup and feel run down everyday.

For most of you, it’s only going to be you and your husband looking at your breasts and scars, I assume.

It’ll be an adjustment for the both of you, but it’s nothing you guys can’t handle.

Plus, I’m going to bet as soon as your husband starts to see how much better you’re feeling and how much more energy you have, he’s going to adore and appreciate you and your decision even more.


To watch the Live video, visit Sarah’s Facebook Group Reversing Breast Implant Illness With Sarah Phillipe.

Visit her website to learn more about her and how she can help you Reverse Breast Implant Illness.