Will Solely Explanting Heal You From Breast Implant Illness?

Achieving (and maintaining) optimal health is the result of consciously taking care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

You won’t achieve optimal health simply by explanting, yet neglecting your mind and soul.

Optimal health, by my definition, means that your mind, body and soul are all working together, at peace, healthy and “exercised”.

And if you have breast implants, chances are pretty high that your health is not optimal.

You might possibly suffer from anxiety or depression, body aches and you begin to feel like life is passing you by.

And how can it be when you are constantly being bombarded with heavy metals, carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, and neurotoxins daily?

And don’t think just because you have the “safe saline” kind you’re out of the woods. Saline implants have their own host of issues.

Mold, fungus, and bacteria can grow and harbor inside the implant due to a faulty valve. I have the photos to prove it.

Plus, that shell that’s holding the saline, guess what it’s made of?

Yep. Silicone, heavy metals, and everything mentioned above.

So although you have symptoms and ailments that are directly linked to your breast implants, explanting alone isn’t enough.

We need to help our body, love on it, embrace it, say nice things to it, and have a massive amount of patience with it.

I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve had to gently remind someone, “you had your implants for 10, 12, 15+ years… don’t expect to be fully healed in five weeks – let alone five months. Healing takes time. And it should. Your body knows exactly what to do. It is on your side. Trust and believe that it is doing it’s best, right now, to heal you – because it is.

Explanting is simply the first step in your beautiful healing journey.

Too often women think “I’m going to explant and all will be better!

Only to be disappointed because explanting isn’t the cure in most cases.

It’s the root cause, the thorn, and the culprit.

I hope I don’t sound like I’m being a Debbie-Downer, but I want to be realistic with you because I care about you.

I just know of hundreds of women who explanted who needed continued treatments with their practitioners or naturopaths.

Whether it be a silicone detox protocol using Inositol, a mold detox, heavy metal detox – their body needed help and support because explanting was only one BIG part of their healing journey.

Honestly, after you explant you will be healthier. Everyone will be!

Your body’s not going to be fighting those two toxic foreign objects anymore, which is going to give it more room to work on things it didn’t have the energy to do while the implants were in.

I hope that all made sense.

Fact: you will heal.

Fact: you will be healthier.

Fact: it will take time to fully heal.

Fact: chances are you will need to still work on things long after the implants are out.

10 things to consider when you’re working towards regaining your health after explant are:

  1. How are you eating? Are you eating food that is alive, once grew from the Earth or had a mom?
  2. Are you drinking fresh water that isn’t contaminated with lead and fluoride?
  3. What are you lathering all over your body? Your skin is your largest organ and absorbs everything you put on it. It’s said that by 9 am women are exposed to over 80,000 chemicals. That’s absurd!
  4. What are you cleaning your house, dishes, floors, and clothes with? Did you know that our inside air quality can be more polluted than the outside air – depending on where you live, of course. Please stop using Febreeze, air fresheners and synthetic fragrance candles inside your home.
  5. Are you getting plenty of sunlight? 15 minutes a day is all you need. The sun is the best source of vitamin D, which helps regulate our mood and strengthen our bones.
  6. How’s your stress?
  7. Are you on prescription drugs?
  8. Are you reducing your EMF exposure from electronics?
  9. Are you sleeping well? Sleep is when you heal the most, your body detoxes (especially the brain), when tissues repair and cells turn over.
  10. And what about your mental health? Thoughts carry a vibration, and that vibration will quite literally weaken or strengthen your body.

There’s so much to consider.

I know it’s probably overwhelming.

But chances are if you’ve been suffering from Breast Implant Illness for years, you’re probably already doing a lot of this.

I know I was. I tried almost everything to feel better and increase my energy!

Six labs I recommend checking before and after your explant are:

  • heavy metals (especially if you have lung or brain issues)
  • hormones (especially if you’re moody and never want sex)
  • gut microbiome (especially if you have your gut issues)
  • thyroid (especially if you have cold extremities, hair loss, and fatigue)
  • essential nutrients (especially if you have anxiety, depression and brittle nails)
  • inflammation markers (especially if you have joint pain and weight gain)

These labs are typically not in the normal range in women who have breast implants. Your doctor should be able to run these, but if you have an issue let me know. I know some people 😉

While most women do feel immediate relief after explant, your body will need time to fully heal and detox.

And this could take years depending on if you have the MTHFR gene mutation, autoimmune conditions, or if your implant was ruptured.

With all this being said, though,

I wholeheartedly believe that explanting needs to occur first in order for your body to fully heal and detox.

I believe that you will be healthier after you explant – I mean, you’re removing two large balls of toxins from your chest… you’re gonna be healthier.

I truly believe that your body is on your side, it does want to thrive, and it knows exactly what to do to heal you.

I think a lot of our symptoms are directly linked to our breast implants, and that the implants are the root cause for a lot of things we are experiencing.

But I also know that healing takes time, targeted supplements, patience, and the unwavering belief that you will heal.

That you are healing.

That you are healed.

You are the healer.

12 Things That Could Be Hindering Your Healing Post Explant

One of the biggest concerns women have when deciding on whether or not explanting really is the first step in their healing journey is, “what if I explant and nothing gets better? What if I still remain sick? What if things get worse?”

I think it’s safe to say we have all wondered that.

What if I spend all this money…

What if I go back to my natural body…

… and nothing changes. Then what do I do!?

If you’re still feeling bad after you explanted, I want to remind you that even though you might not be feeling better, you are in FACT healthier.

You made the right decision because breast implants are made up of 40+ highly toxic chemicals, along with over a dozen heavy metals (tin and platinum being the catalysts).

Since the day you got a breast augmentation your immune system has been bogged down, leaving you susceptible to catching and contracting opportune things like Candida, biofilm and viruses.

And depending on how long you’ve had them, how sick you are or if your silicone implants were ruptured or saline implants were harboring mold, your body might just take a little bit longer to detox and heal.

12 Things That Might Be Hindering Your Healing:



1. Do you have the MTHFR gene mutation?

If so, your body has a harder time processing and eliminating toxins. You’ll want to get tested to see if you have the gene mutation and then work with a practitioner or naturopath that is familiar with methylation and detoxing.

My advice: read this after you read my blog

2. Are you taking prescription medication?

If so, your lingering symptoms could be from the side effects or drug interactions. Prescription drugs can be toxic to our liver and gut.

My advice: If you absolutely have to be on medication I recommend nourishing and cleansing your liver often with Milk Thistle, your kidneys with dandelion tea and your blood with Burdock Root. *see the very bottom

3. Did you have any pre-existing autoimmune issues before you got implants?

If so, being exposed to all those toxins for years potentially exacerbated your condition, which might make it longer to heal. I personally haven’t followed The Medical Mediums work closely, but I know women who have, who swear by his protocols – and the power of celery juice.

My advice: follow everything your doctor recommends, eats good and take good care of your mind and body.

4. Are you getting enough rest and sleep?

Sleep is when your body does the most cleaning, repairing, cell turnover and detoxing. Aim for eight to 10 hours every night.

My advice: I love diffusing lavender essential oils, drinking CALM magnesium and warming myself up a cup of hot chamomile tea. Pro tip: sleep with the air at 68 degrees, make your room pitch dark and don’t look at your phone for two hours before you go to bed. Blue light disrupts your melatonin. Read this.

5. Are you under a tremendous amount of stress?

Stress throws your entire body for a loop. Your thoughts scatter, digestion slows down, cortisol spikes, and your immune system weakens.

My advice:ask yourself, “what is causing me stress? Who is causing me stress? Can I minimize the time around those environments or people?” If not, learn ways to cope with the situation, find a new approach or explore a different perspective.

6. Are you using toxic cosmetics, hygiene products and household cleaning supplies?

If you’re living in a toxic environment, getting bombarded with BPA in plastic, lead in your water, fluoride in your toothpaste, aluminum your deodorant, SLS in your shampoo and synthetic fragrances being sprayed all over your house… that will not help you heal.

My advice: Download the app ‘Think Dirty‘. It’s amazing at finding out just how toxic your hygeine and cosmetic products really are. Scan the barcode on the back of your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body lotion, face wash, ect. and you’ll see for yourself where you can do better.

7. How’s your attitude and mindset been lately? 

Your thoughts, beliefs and emotions play a HUGE part in your healing. Worry, shame and anger weaken the body. Negative thoughts stop us from receiving and achieving greatness. Energy and thoughts carry a vibration. If your energy or thoughts are negative, they will weaken your body.

My advice: ask yourself “what is bothering me? Can I change it? What am I so worried about?” and be super honest with yourself. Affirmations are a beautiful way to call in more positivity, healing and confidence.

8. Are you eating enough, eating clean and reducing inflammatory foods?

Food is medicine. It can heal you or hurt you. Things like sugar (including artificial sugar), dairy and gluten are very inflammatory to our body. A body that’s inflamed tends to get sick more often. According to Clevland Clinic, with chronic inflammation, your body is on high alert all the time. This prolonged state of emergency can cause lasting damage to your heart, brain and other organs. Inflammation occurs naturally in the body. but when it goes wrong or goes on for too long, it can trigger disease processes.

My advice: No matter what “diet” you’re following, you want to be sure you’re eating enough. Food isn’t just calories and carbs – it’s nourishment, healing and energy.

9. Were you on antibiotics recently?

If so, your gut needs major love. 70% of our immune system is found in our gut. If your guts off, your immune system is weak.

My advice: incorporate both prebiotics and probiotics, drink bone broth, and eat fermented foods, kefir, and unripe bananas daily.

10. Are you around toxic, unsupportive people? 

This area is often overlooked in regards to healing and your health. Toxic people, with their toxic energy and words, can hinder your healing and turn you into a toxic person. This one goes hand in hand with #5 and #7.

My advice: If they are toxic, they’re toxic. And you know exactly who they are. Let them go – for your own good, health, happiness, and growth.

11. Did you have any lymph nodes removed or are any clogged?

Your lymph nodes filter, trap and collect things like viruses and toxins floating around the body. They play a vital role in your body’s ability to fight off infections. We need our lymph nodes, which are considered the sewage system of our body. If you’re missing lymph nodes things can get backed up, clogged and lymph flow may get hindered.

My advice: dry brush, rebound, hydrotherapy and lymphatic drainage massage.

12. Were your implants moldy or have you been exposed to mold?

Mold exposure wrecks havoc on our body. If you’ve been exposed to mold from your saline implants you’ll need to work closely with your medical team to rid it from your body.

My advice: remove the source and go on a “mold detox diet” (no bad fats, sugar and grains for 90 days)

Look into Dr Pompa’s top three recommendations to heal from mold toxicity:

  • CGEL:  increases the cells natural ability to undergo the natural mechanism of detox;
  • BIND: is a powerful binder that sweeps the body and effectively eliminates toxins from the blood;
  • CytoDetox: enters the cell membrane and act as a vehicle to getting rid of the toxins as we up-regulate cell function, and prevents reabsorption.

How many of these are you currently dealing with?

I address all of this in-depth in my 12-week pre and post explant program, the BII BRIDGE. Learn more here.

Was this helpful? Eye opening? Is there anything I should add to the list?

Let’s keep in touch!

Join my Facebook Group Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education With Christina

Not on Facebook? That’s ok! Find me on Instagram at @IamSizeHappy

here’s to health, self-love and vibing high,


Anything that I recommend, be sure to do your own research on to be sure there are no interactions and that it’s safe for you. Christina Roulund is not a doctor or surgeon. None of this is to be taken as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. Always follow the instructions of your health care providers. If you plan to start anything new, always run it by your doctor or surgeon first. This information is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to treat or cure any conditions.

Having Realistic Healing Expectations Post-Explant

After everything we’ve been through with Breast implant Illness, I know what it’s like to expect that after you take out your breast implants everything will return back to normal within a week.


If I’m being completely honest, I cringe when I see someone post “I’m 5 weeks post-op and I’m still dealing with x, y, and z. I thought I’d be feeling better by now. Is this normal?


👈🏼This photo was me on day three.
For three weeks I was dealing with this itchy, red, puffy rash under my armpits. It was the most intense itch I’ve ever experienced in my whole life.


Did I question my body?




Was I concerned?




I knew -and had complete trust- that my body was doing what it needed to in order to heal me.


Heal me from not only from the surgery, but heal me from all the trauma and toxin-exposure it was constantly under for the last 12 years.


😣For the first five weeks I was very:


– weak
– tired
– itchy
– oily (hair & face)
– mentally out of it
– physically moving very slow


but I was also grateful, relieved, and SO happy to be on the other side of all this mess.


Immediately post-explant I could breath deeper, see better, and my hip joint pain was completely gone!


😔 But then at four months post-op I had a flare up.


I started losing my hair again.
My emotions were all over the place.
I felt like I just walked right back into B.I.I.


Again, I didn’t question my body.


🦋 I trusted it was taking care of business and everything was in perfect order.


🙏🏻 I thanked my body daily… from day one.


💋 I apologized, asked for forgiveness, and expressed completed admiration for all it was doing for me… for us.


✔️ Post-explant is the time for patience, self-care, and forgiveness.




I go over all of this (and more) in the BII Bridge.


34 women are currently going through the 12-week course right now.


We (Dr Amelia and I) officially launch it in mid-January, AFTER these 34 Fighters & Warriors give us their honest feedback and help us make sure that this program is THE’ best thing for BII sufferers and post-explantees.


We decided not to just create and launch a program, without FIRST having women go through it and give us feedback + transform, heal, and detox themselves.


BII BRIDGE is for warriors, created by warriors!



🔥 6 Takeaways If You Just Explanted (or will be soon):


1. Trust and believe that your body IS on your side. Even though at times it doesn’t feel like it is – it is. Always.


2. Understand that you just had a major surgery. You can’t, and shouldn’t, rush healing.


3. Your body is not only healing you from the surgery itself, it’s digesting your food, filtering out toxins, pumping blood and oxygen throughout your body, eliminating toxins, repairing & rebuilding your chest muscle.


4. Your body has an innate ability to heal itself. It is always seeking balance and homeostasis. It’s ALWAYS repairing, rebuilding, and cleansing something.


5. Your body is going to fix what’s most important first. And sometimes what you want healed immediately isn’t its priority.


6. It is said that for every year you’ve had implants, it’ll take one month of healing. This is just a general rule of thumb and totally made up – not scientifically proven.
Just like with weight loss – you can’t be overweight for 10 years and have 10 years worth of bad habits, and expect that in 10 days, or even 10 months, you’ll be in the best shape of your life. It’s unrealistic.


Are you on Facebook?
Join my Breast Implant Illness Support Group: Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education With Christina


Not on facebook? That’s ok. Find me on Instagram: @SizeHappy_withChristina


here’s to health, self-love and vibing high,
Christina Roulund

B.I.I. BRIDGE (pre & post explant 12-week program)

Waiting to explant is an emotional rollercoaster.
Doubts, fears, and anxiety creep in constantly.
If you’ve already explanted you’re probably wondering, “am I healing right? Is this normal? When should I start detoxing?
Dr Amelia and I have heard it all.
That’s why we are putting our heads (and hearts) together to bring you the BII BRIDGE.
Who better to help lead the way on the journey back to WHOLE BODY HEALTH than two Breast Implant Illness Warriors with a passion for helping women rejuvenate!


What is the B.I.I. BRIDGE?

Bridging the gap between Breast Implant Illness and whole body health
🤷🏻‍♀️ BRIDGE? What’s that?
 ‘Bridge’ is an acronym that stands for:
B*ody Image
R*oot Cause
I*mmune System
G*ut Health
E*motional Support (and Exercise!)
BUT you can bet we will be splashing in a dash of self-love, EFT & visualization, the lymphatic system (one of the most overlooked and important systems), hormones, nutrition, essential oils – and more!
This is NOT a program that solely focuses on the physical body, supplements, and detox.
BII BRIDGE is a mind & body focused program for any woman wanting to look and feel better, both before and after her explant.
We believe that the physical body has a harder time healing with a toxic mind, and a toxic mind won’t heal the body nearly as fast as it’s capable.
The Mind-Body Connection must be strong for whole-body health, any form of healing to take place, and in order to live a blissed-out life.


BII BRIDGE is broken up into two phases:

  • The Pre-Op Phase (Fighter Phase)
  • The Post-Op Phase (Warrior Phase)

🥊 In the Fighter Phase (Pre-Op) we will be helping you:

  • strengthen your immune system
  • improve your gut health
  • get your nutrition on point
  • work through any emotions, fears, and triggers
  • prepare your home and get things in order for your big day
so that you walk into surgery as healthy, strong, confident, and prepared as humanly possible!

⚔️ In the Warrior Phase (Post-Op) we will be helping you:

  • heal ~ mind and body immediately following your surgery
  • build your gut back up (especially after antibiotics)
  • remove toxins safely and effectively, aka detox
  • eat for optimal health and healing
  • ease back into exercising, moving your body, and lifting weights
  • adjust to your new body & boobies
  • work through any emotions, concerns, or doubts that pop up
so that you get back to being you again, showing up fully for those you love, and embrace your new body (and boobies)!
🌙 There will be weekly affirmations, visualization exercises, meditations, and EFT (tapping) sessions included in BOTH Phases!

With all the advice out there in the land of Facebook Groups, no “one” person or  one “Group” is addressing all of this in the right order, that’s easy for you to apply and implement safely.

There are so many suggestions being thrown out there daily, like…
do this… no, this way is better.
– take this… no, that one is horrible. Here’s what I take.
– try this brand… that brand sucks. Here, try this one.
– look into Medical Medium… no, Robert Morse, Gerson Therapy, Andy Cutler. 😫Who is the best!?
It’s information overload, downright confusing, and dangerous.
That’s why we’re stepping in 👠👠
Every BODY is different and requires different dosages, time frames to start and end, attention… not to mention if you’re on medication or have a medical condition, you have got to be careful.
When you go through this program, before we even begin, we are going to be asking you:
  1. What symptoms are you currently dealing with?
  2. Do you have the EBV?
  3. Do you have the MTHFR gene mutation?
  4. What have you been diagnosed with after you got breast implants?
  5. Were your implants ruptured when you explanted?
  6. What other supplements and prescriptions are you taking?
  7. Are you, or do you plan to get pregnant in the next 12 weeks?
  8. How’s your diet? Do you have any allergies or sensitivities?
  9. Are you currently exercise?
  10. Do you have any physical limitations/injuries?
These 10 things play a MAJOR role in your healing and detox journey. And no two women are alike.


Dr. Amelia will specifically be focusing on your gut health, immune system, nutrition, supplements, and detox.
Christina will specifically be addressing body-image, self-love, stress, and emotions.


✔️ Both Phases are 12 weeks long and are laid out strategically to help you calmly walk into surgery and confidently walk out of surgery.
If you’d like to be notified when this program is available, put your name and email address here: www.sizehappy.net/viplist


here’s to health and happiness,


Christina and Dr. Amelia

Why Do I Wait 4 Weeks Post Explant to Detox?

Detox is one of the hottest topics amongst the Breast Implant Illness community.

And for good reason.

All breast implants have over 40 toxins on the shell – including heavy metals, neurotoxins, endocrine and hormone disruptors, and carcinogens.

And after finding this out we desperately want to remove them, and all the toxins, as fast as we can!

But with detoxing you’ve gotta be smart, take it slow, and play it safe.

Common questions I hear are:

When can I start detoxing?

Why shouldn’t I detox before I explant?

What should I be focusing on before I explant?

Why do I need to wait 4-6 weeks post explant to detox?

Below, I’m going to explain what you should be focusing on before you explant and why it’s important to wait 4-6 weeks post-explant to start any form of detoxing.

What you want to focus on BEFORE you explant is boosting your immune system by:

  • optimize your gut health and boosting your gut microbiome
  • stimulating your lymphatic system with dry brushing, rebounding, and hydrotherapy
  • Incorporate things such as Vitamin C, mushrooms, and essential oils
  • continue existing exercise routine (quit 7-10 days before you explant)
  • eat wholesome, organic food as much as possible
  • drink plenty of purified water
  • reduce stressors (people, environments, bad habits, etc.)
  • getting plenty of rest and deep sleep (pitch dark room at 67 degrees for highest melatonin production)
  • *reduce alcohol (completely quit two weeks before you explant)
  • *reduce sugar and artificial sweeteners (completely quit two weeks before you explant)
  • incorporate emotional healing techniques like meditation, visualization, tapping, journaling, etc.
  • Self-care, self-love, and focusing on all the fun things you want to do after you explant! Positive mindset, baby.

*alcohol and sugar cause massive inflammation and weaken the immune system for up to six hours after consumption

Here are supplements I recommend looking into both pre and post explant.

You’ll want to discontinue all supplements (besides probiotics) two weeks before you explant.

Bromoline (pineapple juice) and Arnica are highly recommended to start taking 5-7 days BEFORE your explant to help reduce bruising, swelling, and pain.

The main reason why you don’t want to start any form of detox BEFORE you explant is

because you don’t want to potentially start pulling toxins and heavy metals from your breast implants.

When you do a detox, you are essentially pushing toxins out from your cells, fat, and organs (even your brain), which then gets circulated throughout your body. You must then incorporate a binder, which grabs onto the toxins and pulls them out of the body either by way of sweat, urine, or fecal matter (poop).

Long story short.

And besides, in my opinion, detoxing with breast implants is a waste of money and energy because you still have the source of the toxins in you long after you discontinue the detox.

It’s recommended to start detoxing 4-6 weeks AFTER you explant. Here is why.

  1. Your body has just gone through a physically traumatic experience. The first 4-6 weeks after you explant (and longer if you got a fat transfer) is the time to only focus on rest, recovery, self-care, and forgiveness.
  2. You want to be sure to give your body at least four weeks to repair tissue, repair muscle, heal, and detox on its own… without the influence of herbs, supplements, and binders.
  3. You were put under with anesthesia and probably washed with an antibiotic solution. These things are going to take some time to completely get out of your system, so don’t be alarmed if you feel weak, nauseous, bloated, and lightheaded for up to three weeks. Especially if you have the MTHFR gene, which makes detoxing harder.
  4. Because of number three 👆🏼you don’t want to potentially feel any worse if you don’t have to from detox symptoms, which typically include fatigue, headaches, and general achiness.

I hope this helped clarify some things!

If you still have questions, please email me at Christina@sizehappy.net

You can also find me inside my Facebook Group, Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education with Christina , where I’m very active.

If you’re not on Facebook – you should be! But that’s ok… you can also find me on Instagram here

For more information regarding Breast Implant Illness, explanting, detox, and healing visit the Breast Implant Illness section of my website (sizehappy.net coming soon)

here’s to self-love, health, and vibing high,

Christina Roulund

Founder and Leader of Size: Happy

Why Am I So Emotional After Explanting?

Deciding to go through with an explant is both a liberating and scary decision. It takes a toll on us emotionally and mentally, even if we are ready and sure about what we’re about to do.

Parting ways with our breast implants is a lot to process and come to terms with, especially if you aren’t yet in the place of loving and accepting your body (and breasts).

Recently inside my Breast Implant Illness Support Facebook Group, someone asked the question: Was anyone super emotional the week prior to explant? I am four days out and I feel like a crazy woman! I cry unexpectedly, I’m super anxious and riding the emotional roller coaster. Hoping this is all normal?!”

This isn’t the first time I’ve seen posts like this, so I wanted to take some time to address this because I know how alarming it can be.

First off – yes! Crying spells and heightened emotions are totally normal, and in fact very common, after explanting.

Your body is releasing so many stored emotions that have been stuck in your energy centers for years.

Low vibrational frequencies like fear, guilt, shame, grief, vanity, apathy, and anger, if not processed will stick with you until you address them head on and move them out.

After you explant your body is doing a sort of shedding and cleansing – emotionally. 

Let the tears flow. Cry hard. Feel the anger and guilt.

But the trick is to not dwell on these thoughts and e-motions (energy in motion) for more than 10 minutes.

Honor those feelings and thoughts, and then release them. 

Don’t judge what’s coming up or try to shove them back down because you don’t want to feel uncomfortable.

You have to feel to heal. Feel it all… and then exhale and let it all go.

Next time you’re feeling sad and don’t understand where it’s coming from, repeat this mantra as your hands are in the praying position tucked under your chin:


I honor these emotions coming up. I’m going to allow them to flow through me, as I sit here, without judgment, and process them. I feel you (sadness, anger, fear – whatever you’re feeling), but I must let you go.”

*exhale “These emotions aren’t serving me anymore, and I lovingly release you from my body.

Say this mantra as many times as you need to.

Weeks might go by and then these emotions pop back up again. That’s ok and to be expected.

Find a quiet place to sit and come back to this mantra.

There are three phases we go through emotionally during the explanting journey:

First, the shock of it all and anxiously awaiting surgery.

“Why did I ever want these implants in the first place?”

“What if it’s not my implants making me sick?”

“What if I don’t get better?”

“I don’t know if I can wait four months to explant.”

Second, the excitement of the explant itself.

“I’m in pain but I feel so much better!”

“What do I look like?”

“Will my husband still be attracted to me?”

“I’m so happy I made it through surgery!”

Third, the detoxing and healing journey post-explant.

“Everyone else seems to be healing so much faster.”

“Is it normal to be experiencing x, y, z, after explant?”

“Is what I’m going through a detox reaction or flare up?”

Post explant is a good time to focus on your healing journey, and not get so caught up into how everyone else is healing and feeling.

Us women can be critical and impatient when it comes to how fast things are moving along. And then there’s the thing where we compare our breasts, healing journey, and body to others.

Just like anything on social media, most people only post when things are good. Very few post on the days they feel and look like “crap”. Same goes with healing post-explant.

From the time we discover Breast Implant Illness to well beyond our explant, expect:

  • the high
  • the lows
  • the empowering thoughts
  • the worries
  • the doubts
  • the fears
  • the excitement of new possibilities

I mean, it’s like being on an emotional rollercoaster in the dark, not knowing what you’re going to experience at the turn ahead.

Going from happy, to anxiety and worry, to crying for no real reason as to why all within 15 minutes happens.

It’s totally normal to experience this, sister. You’re not alone and there’s nothing wrong with you.

Let it all out and have faith that your body is going through what it needs to in order for you to heal and detox, not only from toxins, but pent up emotions.

You’re a tough cookie and are allowed to have rough days. You’re human, not a robot.

My top 5 tips when you’re feeling extra emotional:

  • soak in a bubble bath with lavender essential oil and visualize your body healing
  • go for a walk and repeat healing mantras. “My body is healing and on my side.”
  • journal out your emotions and thoughts
  • communicate your thoughts and feelings to those you love who support you 🙋🏻
  • go to YouTube, search “healing frequencies” and lie comfortably doing breathing exercises as you listen to them

Here are some quotes I think you’ll love:

We repeat what we don’t repair” ~ Christine Langey-Obaugh

She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.” ~ Elizabeth Edwards

3 Routes To Healing: 1. You must let the pain visit. 2. You must allow it to teach you. 3. You must not allow it to overstay.” ~ ljeoma Umebinyuo

Wounds don’t heal the way you want them to, they heal the way they need to. It takes time for wounds to fade into scars. It takes time for the process of healing to take place. Give yourself that time. Give yourself that grace. Be gentle with your wounds. Be gentle with your heart. You deserve to heal.” ~ Dele Olanubi

When life feels heavy, and it’s as though your body is against you, allow more love and light to flow through you. Inhale peace and love, exhale worry and sorrow.”~ me

I hope this helped. XO

here’s to health, self-love and vibing high,

Christina Roulund

Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education with Christina

@Sizehappy_With Christina on Instagram





The Best Essential Oils To Heal Mind and Body

Incorporating essentials oils into your day can be a great way to help boost your mood, improve your energy, relax and naturally cleanse your body.

When deciding on which company or brand to chose, you’ll want to make sure that it’s organic, 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oil. 

There are so many knockoffs on shelves these days, like at Walmart or your local drug store, that you’ve really got to be careful or you could potentially just add more toxins into your body.

There are a few different ways to use essential oils:

  • diffuse them in a diffuser so that the tiny particles get inhaled
  • personal care, such as in baths and in cosmetics
  • in a roller bottle for topical use
  • internally/orally

Now with the last two, it’s very important to do extensive research to make sure that a particular essential oil doesn’t require a carrier oil and that the oil is safe to ingest.

If you find a non-toxic candle with any of the scents or oils infused in them, that’s one of my favorite ways as well. Not only are the flickering of candles a relaxing sight, their fragrances can be too.

This article isn’t going to be “A Guide To Safely Using Essential Oils“, so please, before using any essential oil that I recommend check to see:

  1. What are the health benefits of _______ essential oil?
  2. Are there any side effects with ________ essential oil?
  3. What is ________ essential oil used for?
  4. Will ________ essential oil interact or interfere with my medication?
  5. Can I apply/ingest _______ essential oil while I’m pregnant?

Here is Dr Axe Essential Oils Beginners Guide where you’ll find a lot of helpful information on how to apply them safely, carrier oils and the history of essential oils.

My Favorite Essential Oils To Help The Mind and Body Heal, Energize, Relax and more!

Energy and Fatigue:

  • Jasmine
  • Peppermint
  • Pine


  • Bergamot
  • Frankincense
  • Lavender
  • Neroli
  • Orange
  • Rose
  • Vetiver


  • Geranium
  • Jasmine
  • Pine
  • Patchouli
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Sandalwood
  • Ylang Ylang


  • Copaiba
  • Jasmine
  • Neroli
  • Orange
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Vetiver

Mental Clarity:

  • Bergamot
  • Frankincense
  • Rosemary
  • Ylang Ylang


  • Helichrysum
  • Jasmine
  • Juniper Berry
  • Lavender
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Spikenard

Cleansing the Body:

  • Eucalyptus
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemon
  • Palo Santo

Immune Support/Antioxidant:

  • Clove
  • Geranium
  • Helichrysum
  • Hyssop
  • Jasmine
  • Juniper Berry
  • Lemon
  • Oregano
  • Palo Santo
  • Spikenard
  • Tea tree
  • Vetiver

Stimulate the Lymphatic System and Circulation:

  • Frankincense
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemon
  • Thyme


  • Frankincense
  • Geranium
  • Myrrh
  • Orange
  • Rose
  • Tea Tree

Hair Growth/Thickness:

  • Rosemary
  • Lavender
  • Clove
  • Tea tree
  • Spikenard


  • Copaiba
  • Frankincense
  • Ginger
  • Myrrh
  • Orange
  • Pine
  • Palo Santo
  • Turmeric


  • Ginger
  • Hyssop
  • Marjoram
  • Peppermint
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Wintergreen

Arthritis/Joint Pain:

  • Copaiba
  • Ginger
  • Hyssop
  • Helichrysum
  • Palo Santo
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Turmeric

Hormonal Balance:

  • Geranium
  • Jasmine
  • Marjoram
  • Neroli
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Vetiver


  • Clary Sage
  • Fennel
  • Jasmine
  • Rose
  • Vetiver

Treats Herpes and Other Viruses:

  • Eucalyptus
  • Lemon
  • Melissa
  • Oregano
  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary
  • Tea Tree

I listed a bunch under each symptom because some scents you’re not going to like. This way you have options and can choose one or more that works for you.


I personally use and trust Young Living Essential Oils.

Here are my 20 absolute favorite “blends” (instead of buying five separate essential oils):

You can order any of these Young Living Essential Oils directly through my Virtual Office

Step 1: click on the purple link above (my Virtual Office)

Step 2: once you’re on the website, checkmark which one you want – “Member” or “Retail Customer” and then hit the purple button on the bottom right that says “Continue”

Step 3: hit “Continue” again on the little pop up that says “Introducing your Sponsor and Enroller Christina Roulund”

Step 4: order away!

Or call Young Living at 1-800-371-3515 and give them my Young Living ID 15281837 so that I can be your Sponsor/Enroller. They’ll handle everything and help you save money! I’m not techy, so this is what I do 🙂

If you have any further questions or concerns about these oils and could not find information online, feel free to contact me.


If you’re on Facebook join my Support Group, Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education With Christina 

Not on Facebook? Find me on Instagram at SizeHappy_WithChristina


Here’s to health, massive self-love and vibing high,

Christina Roulund-Dennis

This information is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any diseases, nor should it replace the advice of your doctor or surgeon. Always research each oil first, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, on blood thinners, or have any medical conditions. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food And Drug Administration or any other medical body. Christina is not a doctor, so none of this should be taken as medical advice.

Health Benefits of Rebounding And How To

Rebounding is a fun way to burn a few calories, get your child’s play in and stimulate your lymphatic system!


The Health Benefits of Rebounding:

  1. First off, Rebounding is fun!
  2. Why I do it … Boosts lymphatic drainage and immune function.
  3. Great for skeletal system and increasing bone mass.
  4. Helps improve digestion.
  5. More than twice as effective as running without the extra stress on the ankles and knees.
  6. Helps improve the effects of other exercise- one study found that those who rebounded for 30 seconds between weight lifting sets saw 25% more improvement after 12 weeks than those who did not.
  7. Increases endurance on a cellular level by stimulating mitochondrial production (these are responsible for cell energy).
  8. Helps improve balance by stimulating the vestibule in the middle ear.
  9. Rebounding helps circulate oxygen throughout the body to increase energy.
  10. Rebounding in a whole body exercise that improves muscle tone throughout the body.
  11. Some sources online claim that the motion of rebounding could help support the thyroid and adrenals.


How To Do It (there’s a technique):

It is best to start with feet on the rebounder and only gentle bounces, as opposed to high jumps. Short, soft landing jumps is the trick. 3-5 minutes a day, twice daily, is all you need to reap the benefits. Keep it in a place where you’re going to see it. Take turns with your kids.

The action of rebounding makes use of the increased G-force from gravity based exercises like this and each cell in the body has to respond to the acceleration and deceleration. The up and down motion is beneficial for the lymphatic system since it runs in a vertical direction in the body.

Another study showed that the increased G-force helped increase Lymphocyte activity. The lymph system transports immune cells throughout the body and supports immune function. For this reason, rebounding is often suggested as a detoxifying and immune boosting activity.


After my cancer scare in 2015, I began researching anything having to do with detoxing, cleansing and healing the body (it has to be done in this order to work).

I’m a firm believer that the body is capable of healing, if you believe it can and do the necessary actions.

If you enjoy my blogs – join my Facebook Group, Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education With Christina, for more information about all things breast implants, Breast Implant Illness, the explanting process and how to heal mind-body-soul after your surgery.

Not on Facebook? Find me on Instagram!


here’s to regained health, rejuvenation and massive self-love,

❤︎ Christina Roulund-Dennis

Toxic Chemicals Found On All Breast Implants

Regardless if you have silicone or saline breast implants, it’s actually the shell that is full of toxic chemicals – not just what’s inside.

I often hear, “but I have saline implants“.

Unfortunately, saline have their own issues and risks.

I’ve seen a dozen saline breast implants online that are infiltrated with mold (Google “moldy breast implants”). Not only do those with saline breast implants have to worry about potential mold, they also have to also be concerned with what the shell is made of.

“Implants are safe”.

Not so much.

Here’s A List Of All The Known Toxic Chemicals Found On The Shell of All Breast Implants:

*don’t ask me what any of these things are lol

  • 2-Hexanone
  • Acetone (neurotoxin)
  • Amine
  • Benzene (carcinogen and neurotoxin)
  • Chloromethane
  • Color Pigments as release agents
  • Cyclohexanone (neurotoxin)
  • Denatured Alcohol
  • Dichloromethane (carcinogen)
  • Ethyl Acetate (neurotoxin)
  • Ethylene Oxide (carcinogen)
  • Epoxy Hardener 10 and 11
  • Epoxy Resin
  • Formaldehyde (oh em gee)
  • Heavy Metals (aluminum and platinum) aka brain destroyers
  • Hexon
  • Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Lacquer Thinner (what!?)
  • Lead Based Solder
  • Metal Cleaning Acid (huh?)
  • Methyl 2-cyanoacrylate
  • Methyl ethyl ketone (neurotoxin)
  • Naptha (rubber solvent)
  • Oakite (cleaning solvent)
  • Phenol (neurotoxin)
  • Printing Ink (why?)
  • Polyvinyl Chloride (neurotoxin)
  • Silica
  • Silicone
  • Sodium Flouride
  • Stearic Acid
  • Talcum Powder (Um?)
  • Thixon-OSN-2
  • Toluene (neurotoxin and carcinogen)
  • Urethane
  • Xylene (neurotoxin)
  • Zinc Oxide (sunscreen ingredient?)


Well the only thing that did typing this list out was perfecting my spelling of the words “neurotoxin” and “carcinogen”.

I’m not a chemist, but I am pretty smart. I really don’t think ANY of these should be inside of our body. 🤔

From what I understand these chemicals are what make up the OUTER SHELL OF ALL breast implants – saline and silicone. If I find out otherwise I’ll come back and edit this.


Pretty crazy that “they” would tell us something with this many chemicals is safe to implant inside of our body?

I wouldn’t even drink, wash my hair with, breath in or rub any one of these chemicals on my skin… let alone put all of them inside my body for YEARS.


You be the judge. ♥️

Join my growing community and Group on Facebook, Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education By Christina

Not on Facebook? JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM!

– Christina Dennis

Pre-Explant Preparation and Post-Explant Detox

I receive a lot of questions each week in regards to the best ways to detox pre and post explant.


Detoxing is a must, but in my opinion should be held off until post-explant. Explanting alone will be a huge detox in and of itself – am I right? I’ve found that being patient and detoxing in phases is the best way to ensure that you don’t bombard your body with too much at once.


PRE-EXPLANT should be mainly focused on building up your immune system and preparing your body (mentally, emotionally and physically) for surgery.


You can do this simply by:


  • eating healthy, reducing inflammatory foods like dairy, wheat and sugar
  • increasing collagen production with bone broth and collagen supplements
  • reduce caffeine intake to under 200mg daily. This will help your adrenals after surgery.
  • taking 5,000-10,000mg of Vitamin C
  • taking a probiotic (heals the gut, immune health – especially if you’ve been on antibiotics)
  • reducing emotional and mental stress as much as possible through meditation, sound therapy, EFT and visualization
  • exercising lightly
  • sweating
  • grounding/earthing
  • sit in a red infrared sauna for 10 minutes
  • dry brush as soon as you wake up and again before you shower
  • rebound on a trampoline for 5 minutes twice daily
  • incorporate essential oils like lemon (healing/detox), frankincense (pretty much everything), lavender (relaxation) and peppermint (energy)


4-6 WEEKS POST-EXPLANT is a time to start introducing detoxification, cleansing and healing foods and supplements such as:


Spirulina & Chlorella have been shown to help detox heavy metals
Milk Thistle is great for the liver
Amala is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and prevents the toxic effects of heavy metals and pharmaceutical drugs
Glutathione is the mother of all antioxidants
Triphala helps aid in detoxification and improves gut health
Burdock Root cleanses the blood and lymphatic system
Activated Charcoal is very important because it attracts the toxins, binds to them and pulls them out of the body


Robert Morse is someone a vast majority of women in the BII community swear by, trust and follow post-explant. I highly recommend going to YouTube and listening to his lectures and consider his protocol.
– Turmeric is great for inflammation
– Parsley & Cilantro (fresh or in essential oil form) helps to pull heavy metals out of the body
– Organic green apple & carrot juice mixed together (cancer patients following Gerson Therapy drink this blend. It’s supposedly amazing for pulling heavy metals out)
– Celery juice, by itself, not mixed with any other fruits and vegetables
– Lemons are high in vitamin C, good for the immune system and alkalizes the body
– Pineapple contains bromine which helps with healing (raw and juice)
– Bone broth (soup or powder form)
– Dandelion Tea  helps cleans the kidneys
– Lots & lots of water


*continue with the following Post-Explant for at least a year:


– eat healthy by reducing inflammatory foods like dairy, wheat and sugar
– reduce your caffeine intake to under 200mg daily. This will help your adrenals after surgery.
– take 5,000-10,000mg of Vitamin C, probiotics, greens powder daily
– reduce emotional and mental stress as much as possible through meditation, sound therapy, EFT and visualization
– exercise lightly
– ground/earthing
– dry brush as soon as you wake up and again before you shower
– incorporate essential oils like lemon (healing/detox), frankincense (pretty much helps with everything), lavender (relaxation) and peppermint (energy)


*IMPORTANT: discontinue sweating, the infrared sauna and rebounding for 8 weeks or until you get cleared from your doctor or surgeon


It’s encouraged that you to do your own research on every supplement or technique mentioned above in this article to see if they interfere with any medications you’re on or current health issues you are experiencing. Take your time to learn about their health benefits, possible side effects, drug interferences and recommended dosages before starting anything new. The supplement brands that are highlighted above are the exact brands that I use. I make a very small percentage when you make a purchase through the link. I would never recommend anything that I myself have never done extensive research on and never used. Everything recommended above is exactly what I take, recommend, love, trust and have seen and felt results with.


Join my Breast Implant Illness Education and Rejuvenation Facebook Group dedicated to helping you pre and post explant and on your journey from breast implant illness to healing & self-love ♥️