22 Things To Do The Days Before Your Explant Surgery

I polled my Facebook Group and my surgeons Facebook Group and asked them “what did you do the week and days leading up to your surgery?” Here’s what I got. 


What To Do One Week Prior To Surgery:

    1. *Make sure all of your prescriptions are filled and you know how to take them.


    1. *Buy Arnica. This helps with bruising and swelling.


    1. Oil of Oregano is an amazing antibiotic. Double check with your surgeon to see if they approve you taking this instead of antibiotics.


    1. Get off all medications and supplements that your surgeon doesn’t want you on.


    1. *Buy pineapple and/or juice (the bromine in it helps with bruising and healing).


    1. *Buy aloe juice and/or prune juice. These are natural laxatives.


    1. *Cook off as much food as possible (chicken, rice, vegetables, bone broth, etc.) and cut up fruit. That way you don’t have to cook or cut anything for a few days post-surgery.


    1. Stay hydrated, drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces.


    1. Get lots of rest.


    1. Visualize how you want the surgery to go. “Everything’s going to go smooth and fast. It’s going to be an easy surgery for my surgeon and he/she is going to be well rested and fed. When I wake up I’m going to feel great! MY recovery is going to be a breeze.” Call it in!


    1. *Have loose fitting clothes put out. Pulling up jeans and trying to twist into tight tops is going to be slightly complicating. I wore pj pants and short or leggings for weeks (and weeks and weeks).


    1. *Dry Shampoo. That’s all I have to say about that, in my Forest Gump voice.



What To Do One To Three Days Before:

    1. Do all laundry, dishes, sweep and mop the floors, clean the kitty litter, take out the garbage and whatever other chores and errands you need ran (groceries, post office, pay bills, etc.). Having a clean house to come home and not much on your to-do list is the b.e.s.t!


    1. *Put things like your shampoo and conditioner, body lotion and body wash, face wash/moisturizer, toothbrush and toothpaste, makeup, toilet paper, supplements/medications, cups and plates in the kitchen and other things at waist height. This way you don’t have to bend down or reach for anything.


    1. *Set up your bed or couch with lots of pillows to prop up on and blankets.


    1. *Make sure you have a ride to and from surgery.


    1. If you’re documenting your journey, like me and so many others, take photos and videos.


*bring to or do at the hotel, if traveling.


If You’re Staying At A Hotel Or Traveling:

    1. Make sure where you’re staying has a fridge to store perishables and a microwave.


    1. Load up on lots of water, fresh fruit and snacks (especially if you’re on medication to have something in your belly).


    1. Make sure you have an extra sports bra, a size larger than you think you’ll need, so that if you need to wash your compression bra you’ll have something to put the new ladies in 🙂 You’ll want to be sure it’s slightly larger because you don’t want the bra band to touch your incisions.


    1. Lyft has an app where you can schedule a driver to come to you – even in the wee hours of the morning (Uber does not). If you need to get picked up for your one day post-op checkup or need a ‘lyft‘ to the airport, schedule your driver to come beforehand.


    1. Check all the above with a ( * ) to be sure you don’t forget anything for the hotel or place you’re staying.



If I missed anything, I apologize. Please tell me if I did so that I can add it to the list for future readers.


Did this help? Comment below and tell me!

Join my Facebook Group  – Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation And Education By Christina

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here’s to newfound health, rejuvenation and massive self-love,

♥️ Christina Dennis

Explant Surgery Post Op Care

I don’t know about you, but something I need (especially when I’m doing something like having surgery) is peace of mind.

I need to know how things work, what the process is, what I can expect afterwards, and so on. You too?!

This is why I put this together for you, because I know I’m not alone.

Before you read on I need to mention some really important things. 

  • Be sure to always take the advice of your surgeon over anything you hear or see online.
  • Your surgeon should provide you with Post-Op Care Instructions – be sure to follow his/her instructions.
  • This article is not intended to go against what your surgeon tells you to do.
  • Your surgeon should address all these with you. Each surgeon has his/her own protocol and ways they like to handle things. Definitely run all of these question by your surgeon and take their advice.
  • This article is intended to give you a general idea of what to expect post-op. 


Below you’ll find the most common questions women ask about post explant surgery care.


When can I lift light things, like my baby? Typically one to four weeks

You’ll want to wait a week, at the very least. I was told to not lift anything heavy for four weeks. I could hold plates and cups, but I couldn’t grab anything from overhead or push anything up above my head. For example, grabbing something down from a cupboard or lifting something up to put in the cupboard was a big no-no for me.


How long do I need a care giver? Typically two – 14 days

This is going to depend on how much pain you’re in, what kind of prescription drugs you’re on and how they’re affecting you, and how your house is laid out (lots of stairs, large sq. ft., etc.) . You’ll need someone there to help you wash your hair for the first time, for sure. I had to have someone help me up off the couch every time – or it took me a couple minutes because I didn’t want to use my arms. It was nice to be able to lay around, have someone cook for me and have them get up every time I needed a drink, snack or my pills – which seemed like every hour or two.


How long do you think I’ll need to take off work? Typically one to two weeks

This all depends on your pain level. If you work somewhere where you have to lift things, I’d say take off a solid two weeks if you can. I’ve seen some women go back in a week and some in two to three weeks – depending on if they got a lift or not. If you get paid time off, take two weeks off. If you’re not getting paid, just play it by ear. Every BODY is different. I think you’ll be able to tell by day five post-op what to do. When you do go back to work, take it slow and ease back into it. NO heavy lifting.


When can I start driving again? Typically in three days to one week

I started driving by myself I think after two weeks. You’ll want to take turns very slow – trust me. Be extra careful and cautious… especially of speed bumps, dips and sewer caps in the road. This is just me, but I wouldn’t go too far for a few weeks either or while you have your drains in.

When is it safe to put my arms above my head? Typically in one to two weeks

I had to wait a full week. Even so, I lifted them up slow and was very careful. The only times you’ll really be lifting your arms up overhead is to change your top and shampoo/comb your hair.

When can I wash my own hair? Typically in three days to a week

I’ve heard surgeons say “in three days” and others say “in a week”.

When can I sleep on my side? Typically in four to six weeks

I’m a side sleeper, but for the first month I literally laid on my couch on my back. At my four week check up my surgeon Dr Dev said it was safe to lay on my side.

When can I wear a normal bra or sports bra? 
Typically in two weeks to six months

After two weeks I was able to put on a sports bra. The surgical bra I had was so uncomfortable for me because it kept digging into my cleavage area (which is nothing but skin and bone) and riding up, bothering my incisions. My surgeon said I could switch to a comfortable sports bra as long as the elastic band didn’t compress my incisions and nothing pushed down on my breasts themselves. I’ve heard some surgeons say “two weeks” and others “six months”. You definitely do not want to wear an underwire bra – ever.

How long do the drains stay in? 
Typically in one to three weeks

This all depends on how much fluid is coming out. I had to wait until my drains were at or below 20cc for 24 hours before I could get them removed. I was able to get them out on day seven. I’ve seen some women get them out in three days and some in three weeks. Again, it all depends on your body. Things like scar tissue, tissue trauma or forceful dissection can prolong drain use. Some surgeons don’t even do drains, so there’s that too.

When can I exercise and lift weights? 
Typically in four to six weeks

I got cleared to exercise with light weights at four weeks out. This will depend on how well you’re recovering and if you got a lift.

When is it safe to take a bath and swim? 
Typically in six to eight weeks

I got cleared to swim and take a bath at five weeks out.

When can I expose my scars to the sun? 
Typically in six to eight weeks

I’m almost eight weeks out and I don’t want to expose them to the sun just yet because I want my scars (which are still pink) to heal more.

How long do the sutures take to dissolve completely? Typically in eight to 12 weeks

What is the best thing to put on my incisions to help minimize my scars?

I use coconut oil – that’s it. After four weeks I started adding in some frankincense essential oil and lavender essential oil to it to help with healing and skin health. I’ve also heard of women using CBD oil and vitamin E.

When do I start detoxing? After a month

Detoxing is such a hot topic amongst women who just explanted. I personally would wait four weeks and then start introducing things like vitamins and herbs. 

The months leading up to your explant I would focus more on:

  • eating good (reducing inflammatory foods)
  • reducing stress
  • exercising (if you’re not too tired)
  • getting rest
  • boosting up your immune system


Every BODY is different, heals differently and recovers differently. Don’t be discouraged if you’re not cleared as fast as you would’ve liked to have been.

Be patient with your body – it’s been through a lot 😌


Do you still have a question? Let me know either by commenting below or asking me on social media!

Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education By Christina Facebook Group

Not on Facebook? JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM! 


here’s to newfound health, rejuvenations and massive self-love,

Christina Dennis

Toxic Chemicals Found On All Breast Implants

Regardless if you have silicone or saline breast implants, it’s actually the shell that is full of toxic chemicals – not just what’s inside.

I often hear, “but I have saline implants“.

Unfortunately, saline have their own issues and risks.

I’ve seen a dozen saline breast implants online that are infiltrated with mold (Google “moldy breast implants”). Not only do those with saline breast implants have to worry about potential mold, they also have to also be concerned with what the shell is made of.

“Implants are safe”.

Not so much.

Here’s A List Of All The Known Toxic Chemicals Found On The Shell of All Breast Implants:

*don’t ask me what any of these things are lol

  • 2-Hexanone
  • Acetone (neurotoxin)
  • Amine
  • Benzene (carcinogen and neurotoxin)
  • Chloromethane
  • Color Pigments as release agents
  • Cyclohexanone (neurotoxin)
  • Denatured Alcohol
  • Dichloromethane (carcinogen)
  • Ethyl Acetate (neurotoxin)
  • Ethylene Oxide (carcinogen)
  • Epoxy Hardener 10 and 11
  • Epoxy Resin
  • Formaldehyde (oh em gee)
  • Heavy Metals (aluminum and platinum) aka brain destroyers
  • Hexon
  • Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Lacquer Thinner (what!?)
  • Lead Based Solder
  • Metal Cleaning Acid (huh?)
  • Methyl 2-cyanoacrylate
  • Methyl ethyl ketone (neurotoxin)
  • Naptha (rubber solvent)
  • Oakite (cleaning solvent)
  • Phenol (neurotoxin)
  • Printing Ink (why?)
  • Polyvinyl Chloride (neurotoxin)
  • Silica
  • Silicone
  • Sodium Flouride
  • Stearic Acid
  • Talcum Powder (Um?)
  • Thixon-OSN-2
  • Toluene (neurotoxin and carcinogen)
  • Urethane
  • Xylene (neurotoxin)
  • Zinc Oxide (sunscreen ingredient?)


Well the only thing that did typing this list out was perfecting my spelling of the words “neurotoxin” and “carcinogen”.

I’m not a chemist, but I am pretty smart. I really don’t think ANY of these should be inside of our body. 🤔

From what I understand these chemicals are what make up the OUTER SHELL OF ALL breast implants – saline and silicone. If I find out otherwise I’ll come back and edit this.


Pretty crazy that “they” would tell us something with this many chemicals is safe to implant inside of our body?

I wouldn’t even drink, wash my hair with, breath in or rub any one of these chemicals on my skin… let alone put all of them inside my body for YEARS.


You be the judge. ♥️

Join my growing community and Group on Facebook, Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education By Christina

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– Christina Dennis

What Does Explanting en Bloc Mean?

En Bloc: all together or all at the same time.


En Bloc basically means that they remove your implant AND your capsule (the red stuff that you see attached to implants in the photo) together in one piece.


The capsule is the scar that your body forms AFTER you implanted. It does not exist inside of you before your breast augmentation.

Your surgeon should NOT take your implant out FIRST, then go back in and remove your capsule or drain your saline implant (inside you) FIRST (or at all) then go back in to remove your capsule.

Everything is done in one step: removal of both the implant and capsule at the same time.

En Bloc is an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT step because should your implant be ruptured or bleeding silicone through the shell, you do not want to have any toxins or the broken down silicone getting into your blood stream or chest cavity by your vital organs.

Having the implant removed with the capsule attached and wrapped around it is your best option.

If your surgeon does not do en Bloc, doesn’t recommend en Bloc, doesn’t find it necessary or anything in between, he/she is not your surgeon (in my opinion). Keep looking for an explant surgeon who will.


1. Surgeons might try to convince you that you don’t need to remove the capsule or that a total Capsulectomy isn’t necessary. I disagree. The capsule can contain bacteria, fungus, micro-organisms, biofilms, silicone and all sorts of toxins. If you want to fully heal, it must be removed – in my opinion.


2. A total Capsulectomy is done after your implant and the capsule have been removed en Bloc. This is the step when they go back in and see if any capsule, scar tissue or silicone is stuck to tissue, muscle or your ribs. If they see parts of your capsule or scar tissue are still present they will peel it off, scrap it off or cauterize it to ensure a total capsulectomy is properly performed.


3. Make sure, for those who have saline implants, that your surgeon WILL NOT drain the implants before removing them. Be sure to ask him this question during your consultation. There has been high concentrations of mold, fungus and bacteria found inside saline implants. Draining them first will result in all the harmful particles getting into your system, further infecting you and making you even more sick.


4. If a surgeon tells you that en Bloc is not necessary (or that they just don’t do it), a full Capsulectomy isn’t necessary (or they just don’t do it) or that they “have to” drain your saline implant first before taking them out… I’d personally choose a different surgeon.


With all of this being said, Breast Implant Illness and en Bloc are fairly new. I’ve personally heard from women who left their capsule in and are totally fine, and other women who left the capsule in and remained very sick. The second group of women usually undergo a second surgery, removing the capsule, and actually start the detox and healing process.


I think this really all depends on:

  • how sick you are going into your surgery
  • how long you’ve had your implants
  • if you have any underlying illnesses, autoimmune diseases, inflammation or viruses hindering your immune system
  • if your have the MTHFR gene mutation, which makes detoxing almost impossible with some sort of intervention


Every BODY is different.

Just like some women can get breast implants and be totally ok… others get sick. It just all depends on your body and health.

If you still have a question, please leave me a comment below or ask me in my Facebook Group, Breast Implant Illness Education and Rejuvenation By Christina.

Not on Facebook? JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM!

here’s to newfound health, rejuvenation and self-love,

♥️ Christina Dennis

Questions To Ask At Your Explant Consultation

Finding a skilled surgeon is very important. One of the most important things you can do is take your time and interview your surgeon(s). Feel them out, ask for testimonials or photos and be sure they remove your implants en Bloc with a total capsulectomy.


This basically means that they remove the implant and the capsule (the red stuff that you see attached to implants when they’re removed) together in one piece. They don’t take the implant out FIRST, then go back in and remove the capsule or drain your saline implant FIRST then go back in to remove the capsule. Everything is done in one step: removal of both the implant and capsule at the same time. A total capsulectomy is when AFTER they remove the implant en Bloc, they then go back in to remove any scar tissue or capsule that may be stuck on your muscle, tissue or ribs.


If your surgeon does not do en Bloc, doesn’t recommend en Bloc, doesn’t find it necessary or anything in between, he/she is not your surgeon. Keep looking.

Your procedure should look something like this:

  • anesthesia
  • en Bloc procedure
  • muscle repair (if needed)
  • total capsulectomy
  • *some surgeons wash you out with an antibiotic solution before closing you up to ensure anything they missed gets destroyed
  • *some surgeons also have someone record the surgery for peace of mind


If they are double board certified, a micro-surgeon and offer muscle repair, Nerve Bloc, photos and videos that’s an added bonus!


Here are the most important questions to ask your surgeon at your explant consultation:

Be sure to print this out, highlight the ones that are most important to you (probably all of them) and bring a piece of paper and pen to take notes. Let him/her know you mean business 💪🏼

* If there is a consultation question with a star (*) by it, you’ll find details below as to why it’s an important question. 

About the surgeon and facility:

  1. Are you a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon?
  2. *Do you have hospital privileges? They should.
  3. Do you carry Medical Malpractice Insurance? Why not, if they say no.
  4. Is your facility accredited?
  5. Do you work with insurance? Will you provide me any letters that are required so that I can go through insurance and/or request a refund?
  6. Can I see the pre-surgery paperwork that you require me to sign? Should not be a problem.
  7. Do you have any photos or testimonials I can take a look at? They should.


*Question 2. You want to be sure that your surgeon has hospital privileges because if they don’t this is a red flag. Having hospital privileges means this – they are in good standing in the medical community, they are trained and certified in plastic surgery, and should you have a complication, reaction or infection after surgery they can get you entry into the hospital fast. If they do NOT have hospital privileges it could mean that they had malpractice issues and are not in good standing with the medical community. Not only that, should you run into a serious health issue, they can not provide you with any hospital entry service. A surgeon who does not have this privilege can not help you in medical emergency situations.


About the procedure:

  1. How many proper explants (en Bloc with total capsulectomy) have you done, approximately? Should be more than 50.
  2. *Do you remove implants en Bloc? Should be “yes”. Why not, if they say no.
  3. Do you do muscle repair if needed? Should be “yes”. Why not, if they say no.
  4. *Do you do a total capsulectomy? Should be “yes”. Why not, if they say no.
  5. Do you use any kind of IV antibiotics when I’m under or wash me with an antibacterial solution?
  6. Are the stitches dissolvable or will they have to be removed later? Make sure they are not using permanent staples or any mesh… nothing foreign in your body.
  7. *Do you or someone else offer photos and/or a recording of my en Bloc being performed and to see that a total capsulectomy was performed and nothing was left behind?
  8. *Do you offer Nerve Block (which is typically optional/an upsell)?
  9. What kind of anesthetic is used during my surgery?
  10. *Is anything added in with the anesthetic?
  11. Will my anesthesiologist be by my side for the entire surgery? They should be.
  12. Will I receive antibiotics during surgery? If so, what kind?
  13. Where are my incisions going to be?
  14. Do you use drains? How long do they usually stay in?
  15. If my implants aren’t ruptured, do I get them back if I want them? If so, make sure they are put in a container.
  16. What kind of prescription medication do you prescribe? Are any of them optional to take? Should be a pain pill, antiobiotic and anti-nausea.
  17. I’m allergic or sensitive to ______________, what else can I take?


*Question 2 and 4: When asking the questions about en Bloc and total capsulectomy you want to make sure they DO these two things, with no hesitation. Heres why: some surgeons will opt to deflate the saline from your implants FIRST, then remove the capsule (if they remove the capsule at all – which they should). You do NOT want them to release anything from inside your implant into your bloodstream while it’s still inside of your body. Doing so will cause the toxins and contaminants from inside of the breast implant (mold, bacteria, fungus, microorganisms, etc.) to get into your bloodstream causing an entirely new host of serious Symptoms and Side Effects. Be sure it’s done en Bloc aka the implant and capsule come out together in one piece, as a whole. A total capsulectomy is important because there could be scar tissue, capsule or silicone stuck to your tissue, muscle or ribs. If you want to fully heal, all this must be released and removed. They’ll either do this by peeling it off, scraping it off or cauterizing it out.


*Question 7: Opting for a video is good for one big reason: it gives you peace of mind to know that your procedure is en Bloc with a capsulectomy. Be sure you’re very specific as to what You’d like them to capture on video. I recommend that they:

  • show you on the table as they’re getting to your implant
  • doing the en Bloc procedure, cutting the capsule away from your tissue (on both sides)
  • removing the capsule en Bloc from your body, in one piece (on both sides)
  • going back in to perform a capsulectomy, scraping off anything that stuck
  • show your implants, en Bloc, on the table while they are cutting away the capsule to show what’s inside (both implants)
  • I wouldn’t worry about seeing them sew you up, or anything.


*Question 8: Nerve Block is something I had during my explant surgery. Essentially, while you’re still under your surgeon will apply Nerve Block to specific nerves in your chest to help alleviate pain for up to three days. This is an upsell, although some surgeons don’t offer this at all. I was glad to pay an extra money and get it to ensure I was comfortable post-explant.


*Questions 1o: As far as anesthesia and nitrous oxide goes, if you have the MTHFR gene mutation just be aware that N.O. depletes vitamin B12. So should you happen to have to get it, get your B12 levels checked and take the proper steps of action afterwards.


In regards to lymphnodes and pathology:

  1. Do you check to make sure no silicone traveled to my lymphnodes? Do you do any techniques or lymphnode removal should something look wrong?
  2. Do you send my capsule and implants to pathology if you see anything suspicious? If so, is this an additional cost? If so, how much?
  3. Do you swab out my chest pocket and auxiliary area during surgery to check for biofilm, bacteria or micro-organisms?
  4. Before you finish, do you use a solution to clean out my chest pocket and auxiliary area?
  5. In regards to BIA-ALCL – do you do pathology? Are you knowledgable with ALCL? If you see that I have a seroma/effusion, will you aspartate it and send the capsules for CD30 Immuno’histo’chemistry (one word) to rule out BIA-ALCL?

Don’t assume that your surgeon will automatically send off anything to pathology. I left it up to my surgeon as to whether or not he felt it warranted going to pathology. I completely trust him and his decision (plus I got a video). For you, you might demand it to be sent, or you can totally opt out. It’s entirely up to you. Now if your surgeon offers it at no extra charge and includes it with the surgery, go for it. Why not?


If you do plan to get a lawyer involved, be sure that your implants are not washed off after surgery. It’s best to have them put in separate containers (not bags) marked LEFT BREAST and RIGHT BREAST. From there it’s best to place them in plastic bags when you get home and place them in the fridge. Do not handle your implants, open the container or wash them. 


Because each surgeon has different protocols, these are good to ask to see about their post-op care:

  1. Do you have a sheet that goes over pre and post surgery care as far as supplements, medications, compression garments, wound care and who to contact post-surgery if I have a question or concern? They should.
  2. At my first follow up appointment post-explant, will you provide me with my complete operative reports, any tests you sent off for and photos? They should. If not, when?
  3. How long does it typically take to heal fully?
  4. How long until I can lift light things like bowls, my baby, etc.?
  5. How long until I can raise my arms up over my head to brush my hair, put on a top or wash my hair?
  6. How long until I can lift weights at the gym or exercise?
  7. Do you believe in/are you familiar with how to detox post-explant? Do you offer tests or supplements to help with this?
  8. What are signs of an infection that I can look out for? What are signs of a hematoma or seroma? Who do I contact should this occur – the office or you directly?
  9. Do you like to air out incisions after a week or two, or do you prefer I keep tape on them for the first few weeks, replacing the tape every three days?
  10. At what point do I start massaging my breasts, upper chest area and armpits? What do you recommend I massage them with – coconut oil, CBD oil, Vitamin E, etc.?
  11. About when can I wear a sports bra, more comfortable bra, real bra and/or go braless?
  12. How much is the deposit is to secure my surgery date? Should I need to cancel or postpone, how does that work with the deposit?


For the most part, that’s it!

Now you know what to ask and why! You feel more confident and prepared to go in now, don’t you!?

The above questions were collected from my own questions, the questions my members had and then polished from this resource.

Stay closely connected with me and women just like you inside my Facebook Group!  My mission is to empower, educate, encourage and support all members from their journey with Breast Implant Illness – Explant to Full Recovery

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♥️ here’s to newfound health and massive self-love,

– Christina Dennis



Breast Implant Illness Symptoms

Potential Breast Implant Symptoms And Side Effects

Before I get into the laundry list of possible Symptoms and Side Effects associated with BOTH silicone and saline breast implants, I want to mention a few important things.


  1. Not every woman experiences Symptoms and Side Effects from breast implants.
  2. Some women never get sick, some women experience a negative reaction right away or within months and some women (like me) it takes years (if not decades if they were implanted in the 1980’s).
  3. It is said that about 40% of women who undergo breast augmentation, no matter the size or placement (above or below the muscle) will at some point experience capsular contracture, hardening, pain and/or the symptoms listed below.


If you have an already comprised immune system from things like the EBV (or any viruses or ailments) the chances of you developing these Symptoms and Side Effects could possibly increase or exacerbate your already existing conditions.


One of the best pieces of advice I can give you is this: if you take care of your body, yet you feel like a grumpy zombie daily, something is wrong. Listen to your body. Your body gives you Symptoms and Side Effects to communicate with you that something’s wrong. Doctors tend to just throw medication at us and tell us our labs look perfect “you’re healthy”. Listen to your body ♥️


From day one, regardless of symptoms, your body will be fighting the implants. It’s basic human physiology. What doesn’t belong, or what the body can’t identify, the body attacks. Things like the endocrine system, lymphatic system, immune system, hormones, thyroid and digestive system are the most common to take a hit and suffer.


Here is a list of the most common cluster of Symptoms and Side Effects women with breast implant illness complain of:

*these are all the symptoms I experienced


  • *Fatigue
  • *Brain Fog (can’t concentrate, remember things or focus)
  • Headaches/Migranes/Ocular Migraines
  • *Anxiety/Panic Attacks/Depression Bouts
  • *Low Libido/No Sex Drive
  • *Swollen Lympnodes (armpits, groin, neck and pelvis)
  • *Hair Loss/Drying Hair
  • *Dry Skin/Premature Aging
  • Skin Rashes
  • *Sensitivity to Light, Sound and Cold Temperatures
  • *Gasping For Breath/Choking Feeling/Shortness of Breath
  • *Achy Joints, Especially In The Morning (shoulders, hips)
  • Tingling Arms
  • *Cold Hands And Feet
  • Breast Pain
  • Pain Or Burning Sensation Around Implant and Underarm
  • Muscle Pain/Muscle Weakness
  • Swollen Breasts
  • Vertigo/Dizziness
  • Inflammation
  • Weight Gain
  • Insomnia
  • *Vision Floaters/Declined Vision/Dry Eyes
  • Fevers/Night Sweats
  • *Ears Ringing
  • Digestive Issues
  • *Dehydration
  • Frequent Urination
  • Sudden Food Intolerances/Food Allergies
  • Leaky Gut/IBS/SIBO
  • Candida/Yeast Infections/Urinary Tract Infections
  • Slow recovery After Exercising or Activity
  • Slow Healing of Cuts, Scrapes/Bruise Easy
  • *Fungal Infections/Viral Infections/Sinus Infections
  • *New And Persistent Bacterial And Viral infections
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Galbladder Problems
  • *Liver and Kidney Disfunction (often times jaundice/yellowing of the skin)
  • Hypo thyroid and Adrenal Symptoms
  • *Hyper Thyroid and Adrenal Symptoms
  • *Hormonal Imbalances/Decreased Hormones
  • Symptoms or Diagnosis of ALCL (anaplastic large cell lymphoma)
  • Symptoms or Diagnosis of Auto-Immune Diseases (raynauds syndrome, hashimotos, lupus, arthritis, nonspecific connective tissue disease, multiple sclerosis, sjogrens syndrome, scleroderma,
  • *Symptoms or Diagnosis of Epstein Barr Virus
  • Symptoms or Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia


If you’ve been experiencing any of these Side Effects and Symptoms, got tested and have either been told “you’re fine” or you have a new diagnosis, please join my Facebook Group.

Not on Facebook? JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM!

I’d love to hear what’s going on with you and offer you the education, empowerment and support you need right now.

This information is not meant to scare you… it’s meant to inform you.

💗- Christina Dennis

Pre-Explant Preparation and Post-Explant Detox

I receive a lot of questions each week in regards to the best ways to detox pre and post explant.


Detoxing is a must, but in my opinion should be held off until post-explant. Explanting alone will be a huge detox in and of itself – am I right? I’ve found that being patient and detoxing in phases is the best way to ensure that you don’t bombard your body with too much at once.


PRE-EXPLANT should be mainly focused on building up your immune system and preparing your body (mentally, emotionally and physically) for surgery.


You can do this simply by:


  • eating healthy, reducing inflammatory foods like dairy, wheat and sugar
  • increasing collagen production with bone broth and collagen supplements
  • reduce caffeine intake to under 200mg daily. This will help your adrenals after surgery.
  • taking 5,000-10,000mg of Vitamin C
  • taking a probiotic (heals the gut, immune health – especially if you’ve been on antibiotics)
  • reducing emotional and mental stress as much as possible through meditation, sound therapy, EFT and visualization
  • exercising lightly
  • sweating
  • grounding/earthing
  • sit in a red infrared sauna for 10 minutes
  • dry brush as soon as you wake up and again before you shower
  • rebound on a trampoline for 5 minutes twice daily
  • incorporate essential oils like lemon (healing/detox), frankincense (pretty much everything), lavender (relaxation) and peppermint (energy)


4-6 WEEKS POST-EXPLANT is a time to start introducing detoxification, cleansing and healing foods and supplements such as:


Spirulina & Chlorella have been shown to help detox heavy metals
Milk Thistle is great for the liver
Amala is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and prevents the toxic effects of heavy metals and pharmaceutical drugs
Glutathione is the mother of all antioxidants
Triphala helps aid in detoxification and improves gut health
Burdock Root cleanses the blood and lymphatic system
Activated Charcoal is very important because it attracts the toxins, binds to them and pulls them out of the body


Robert Morse is someone a vast majority of women in the BII community swear by, trust and follow post-explant. I highly recommend going to YouTube and listening to his lectures and consider his protocol.
– Turmeric is great for inflammation
– Parsley & Cilantro (fresh or in essential oil form) helps to pull heavy metals out of the body
– Organic green apple & carrot juice mixed together (cancer patients following Gerson Therapy drink this blend. It’s supposedly amazing for pulling heavy metals out)
– Celery juice, by itself, not mixed with any other fruits and vegetables
– Lemons are high in vitamin C, good for the immune system and alkalizes the body
– Pineapple contains bromine which helps with healing (raw and juice)
– Bone broth (soup or powder form)
– Dandelion Tea  helps cleans the kidneys
– Lots & lots of water


*continue with the following Post-Explant for at least a year:


– eat healthy by reducing inflammatory foods like dairy, wheat and sugar
– reduce your caffeine intake to under 200mg daily. This will help your adrenals after surgery.
– take 5,000-10,000mg of Vitamin C, probiotics, greens powder daily
– reduce emotional and mental stress as much as possible through meditation, sound therapy, EFT and visualization
– exercise lightly
– ground/earthing
– dry brush as soon as you wake up and again before you shower
– incorporate essential oils like lemon (healing/detox), frankincense (pretty much helps with everything), lavender (relaxation) and peppermint (energy)


*IMPORTANT: discontinue sweating, the infrared sauna and rebounding for 8 weeks or until you get cleared from your doctor or surgeon


It’s encouraged that you to do your own research on every supplement or technique mentioned above in this article to see if they interfere with any medications you’re on or current health issues you are experiencing. Take your time to learn about their health benefits, possible side effects, drug interferences and recommended dosages before starting anything new. The supplement brands that are highlighted above are the exact brands that I use. I make a very small percentage when you make a purchase through the link. I would never recommend anything that I myself have never done extensive research on and never used. Everything recommended above is exactly what I take, recommend, love, trust and have seen and felt results with.


Join my Breast Implant Illness Education and Rejuvenation Facebook Group dedicated to helping you pre and post explant and on your journey from breast implant illness to healing & self-love ♥️

Six Weird Symptoms I Experienced Immediately After I Explanted

If you’re anything like me (and you haven’t explanted yet) you probably read everyones story after they explanted, fascinated by how good they feel and look immediately after surgery.

Hearing these stories is what kept me hopeful during the long, anxious wait.

I used to live vicariously through everyones posts, thinking “What!? I hope that happens to me after I explant!”


And while a lot of the common symptoms, like my achy joints, shortness of breath and swollen lymphnodes all disappeared, some weird ones showed up immediately following my surgery that I did not expect.


  • Within the first two hours after I explanted it was like my skin, face and hair was drowning in its own oil. My skin, face and hair used to be so dry and dehydrated no matter how much water I drank or how much moisturizer I slathered onto it. I remember going to a spa in mid-2017 to get a facial and the aesthetician said “you have beautiful skin, it’s just a little dehydrated, that’s why you have so many fine lines. If you up your water intake that should help some“. I thought “that’s odd, I drink soooo much water“. Since explanting my skin/face is SO oily, shiny and vibrant.


  • The first two days after I explanted my eyes were burning and watering like crazy. I thought this was so weird. I have only heard about this happening to one other person after she explanted. Every since my surgery on 8/2/18 my eyes are a lot less dry and blurry, so maybe that’s just what it did to help restore my eyes and vision.


  • Since early 2018, out of the blue, my left nostril started to get really crusty while I was sleeping. I would wake up in the morning with my left nostril 80% blocked with crusty, bloody, hard boogers. I began wondering if we had mold in our house or if something was going on with my brain and dripping out of my nose (anxiety-filled and anxious people tend to think nonsense🙃). I experienced this, I’d say, for a solid three months before I explanted, every… single… morning. Since the day of my explant it’s been gone. Like 100% gone, no boogers, nothing. So strange, right?


  • My nipples were very sensitive! Just my top rubbing against them was driving me nuts. I did get a lift and there was scar tissue wrapped around the main nerve that provides sensation to my left nipple… Some people lose sensation, and some like me got extra heightened sensation. This began at like the 7 day mark and lasted about three weeks.


  • I stunk! I believe this was from all the toxins, but man… be prepared to possibly stink for the first few days. Make sure you have plenty of deoderant 🙂 This was immediately and still from time to time it happens. The detox process takes up to a year- be patient.


  • Since October 2014 a lympnode in my armpit would get tender and swollen. At first it was sporadic, happening here and there, lasting for a week or two months. Over the course of these last four years it started showing more of a pattern, always getting tender and swollen two weeks before my period and then going away as soon as I got my period. During the first two weeks after I explanted I had a couple more lympnodes in my armpit get tender. I’ve spoke to quite a few women and they said the same thing – they too had lympnodes react to all the crap that was now floating around in our system post-explant. This is actually a good thing. Lymphnodes are supposed to trap and collect harmful debris that is floating around in our body. I took this as a sign that my body was just doing its job.


Something else that I want to mention that happened to me was I broke out in rashes immediately after my explant. This is not common at all and very rare. We still don’t know exactly what caused the red, extremely itchy rashes but if we had to guess it was either a reaction to the anesthesia or my lymphatic system was dumping toxins. All of my rashes were in lymphatic areas (my leg creases behind my knees, upper thigh below my glute, left elbow crease and armpits) from what I understand – but who really knows.

The body is fascinating! 

It’s amazing how quickly your body will begin healing as soon as it’s given the opportunity to stop fighting the two large foreign invaders and start focusing on more important things – like strengthening your immune and endocrine system, balancing your hormones and thyroid and healing your adrenals.

Your body IS on your side, although it may not feel that way pre-explant.

Don’t be worried about what you might look like or “what if none of my symptoms go away?” Regardless of anything, they aren’t supposed to be in our body. They need to come out. Since day one your immune system has been fighting these things.

Show your body some love ♥️

Learn to love and embrace your body at all sizes and shapes it takes on over the decades.

Join my online community! 

Breast Implant Illness Rejuvention And Education By Christina

Size Happy With Christina on Instagram

What Happened During The First Month After I Explanted

Today I’m exactly five weeks post explant. It’s September 6, 2018.


In November 2006 (at the age of 23) I had a breast augmentation, implanting 420 cc silicone implants under my muscle. But we’re not here to talk about that…

Today I want to share with you everything that has changed for me – physically, mentally and emotionally since I explanted 35 short days ago – and what is possibly possible for you too.

Before I get into it , I do want to say:

  • everyones healing journey is going to look and feel different
  • what happened to me post-explant may or may not happen to you
  • if you read something I took or I did, please check with your surgeon and doctor first to get cleared


Good. Now that that’s off my chest (haha, get it), I’m so excited to share with you what I’ve experienced so far.

Alright, where should I start 🤔…

Let me start off by saying that the morning of my explant surgery I was so calm. I was so excited and ready to turn the page of this final chapter and begin an entirely new chapter – one filled with an abundance of energy, clarity, confidence and most importantly h.e.a.l.t.h.

I completely trusted my surgeon Dr. Dev and was in the best hands money can buy. I trusted that this procedure absolutely had to be done, so no matter what happened, it’s out of my control and for the best. As much as I don’t want to die, my faith is so strong when it comes to times like this.

Leading up to my explant I was SO anxious. Not nervous or terrified, just anxious to get these things out of me. Every day that passed me by I swear I was getting worse. And like what I preach, “what you focus on you attract more of“.

On July 3rd, 2018 I originally scheduled my explant for November 26th with Dr. Devs’ partner, Dr Rankin, but did not want to wait four months. It’s such a crazy story what happened (I’ll write about it – it’s seriously so cool and nuts), but basically on Monday July 30th Aqua Plastic Surgery posted on their Instagram Story “Dr. Dev has a surgical opening this Thursday, August 2nd, if anyone wants it“.

I jumped on that ish!


I’m getting off topic (no, not me)… alright, here’s what I’ve experienced five weeks post-explant.

As soon as I woke up I felt relieved. “Oh my gosh, it’s over, I did it!”

My implants were sitting right in front of me on the counter in a container – something my surgeon does to 1. help you remember where you are and what happened to you as you come back to Earth, and 2. so that you can see they’re out. I like this touch.

I did not feel any pain (I did get Nerve Bloc), I was just super groggy/out of it.

But I could BREATHE. DEEP. This was the very first thing I noticed. I haven’t been able to take a full, deep breath like this in almost 12 years.


So at this point I’m groggy, not in pain, and I can breathe deep.

After waking up at home from a nap a few hours after surgery I had rashes in both of my knee creases, my left elbow crease and a huge one on my upper back thigh under my glute. They were warm, red and itchy. Those went away in two days, but what came after that was worse. On day three I developed extremely red, itchy rashes under my armpits (I shared photos on social media if you can find them and in my Breast Implant Illness Group ). I also had weird splotches on my neck and stomach too. To this day we still have no idea what caused this. It could’ve been from the anesthesia, antibiotics or my lymphatic system dumping toxins.

Honestly, the rashes drove me NUTS! I have never experienced such itchiness in my life.

The pain from my explant was nothing… the rashes hell.


Oh, and I also got my period the day of my surgery, so it was a triple whammy – grogginess from the anesthesia, rashes and my period. I was a bundle of joy for a few days, let me tell you 😂


I only took Extra Strength Tylenol on Thursday (my surgery day), Friday and Saturday night. That’s it. It honestly wasn’t bad.


The day of my surgery it’s like my pores were drowning in oil. My skin was so greasy and shiny… it was crazy. I felt like I was in High School again. My complexion also changed. My skin didn’t look so dull and colorless. It’s finally smooth looking, hydrated and pink.


Something else I noticed within the first few days was that my hip joint ache and stiffness, something that I’ve been dealing with daily since early 2017 was GONE. Not better… gone. And it’s been gone for five weeks now.


I also haven’t gasped for air or had any shortness of breath, something I also was experiencing almost daily since early 2017, since my explant.


My nipples were really sensitive for the first three weeks, but are completely back to normal 🙂


The amount of hair that I’m NOT losing in the shower anymore is what’s really exciting me. I started losing clumps of hair in late 2014. So much that I often wondered “seriouslyhow am I not bald?” I’ve been (weirdly) saving the hair I’ve been losing in the shower since my explant. What I’ve gathered is that the amount of hair in total that I’m losing in FOUR showers now is the same amount that I used to lose in ONE shower. I hope that makes sense. Basically, I’m losing substantially a lot LESS hair. The amount of hair I used to lose in one shower I’m now losing in a weeks worth of showers.


My energy is through the roof! It’s 9:56pm right now… and I’m writing this. What!? Just two months ago I would’ve already been in bed exhausted from the day. Today I went to the gym (literally got cleared today lol), home schooled my son and did stuff around the house… and I’m up writing. So crazy. This would’ve never been the case over the last seven years when my extreme fatigue began.


I feel more with it in the head. I don’t feel like I’m walking in a cloud, slow in the head or spacey. My brain fog has definitely lifted. I mean, again, I’m up writing this at 10pm – because I’m finally thinking clearly and alert.


My libido is back. I actually want to have sex again. And I am. 


The ringing in my ears is unnoticeable… especially at night time when it was loud, because things were quiet.


I have not been wearing my glasses nearly as much because my eyes don’t feel as dry or blurry. My vision started declining a lot over the last year (when my achy hip joint and shortness of breath/gasping started too).


And lastly, if you’ve been following me for a few years you’ll know that the lymphnode in my right armpit was a major issue (and scare) for me since October 2014. This was the first symptom, actually, that I knew something very wrong was going on in my body. Each month, two weeks before my period, it gets tender and swollen. So for two weeks it’ll pop up. I’ll get my period and then like two to three days into my period it goes away. It’ll be gone for about two weeks and then return again. Four years I’ve been dealing with this! Well guess what? Last month it never got tender or swollen. I swear to God, I hope this never returns. Come to find out, there was a ton of scar tissue wrapped around my lymphnode that was carefully released and removed. Time will tell, but I’m reeeeally hoping removing the scar tissue fixed this problem.


As far as my anxiety/depression bouts, whacked adrenals and whacked hormones, time will tell. But I do feel like things are definitely moving in the right direction. I talked about all my symptoms more in depth in another blog post. 


I was lucky (and feel very fortunate) to never have experienced heart palpitations, digestive issues/food intolerances, vertigo, numbness and tingling in my arms and breasts, weight gain, sensitive to light and sound, night sweats, fibromyalgia symptoms, headaches, candida/yeast infections, insomnia and reoccurring illness like so many others.

There is hope for you.

I know you’re probably worried that “what if it’s not from my implants, though?“, to that I’d say “regardless, implants are not supposed to be inside of you, sweetheart. They have to come out. Your immune system needs your help and this is the right thing to do.

You’re going to be so amazed at how good you feel in just one month. I remember reading so many women’s stories up until my explant wishing and praying I would feel like them. And I do.


As of today, September 6th, 2018, I got cleared to exercise, swim, take a bath and go braless.

Life is good my friend.

All in all, I’m happy. I feel amazing. No regrets.

your breastie,


My Breast Implant Illness Education and Rejuvenation Facebook Group – lets stay connected!

Not on Facebook? JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM!

The Ugly Truth About Breast Implants

Today marks four weeks since I removed my silicone breast implants. I have so much that I want to update you on, but before I do…


let me start from the very beginning.


I was 23 in 2006. For four years I wanted to get breast implants. I honestly thought they’d make me happier, more confident and more attractive.


At this time in my life, from an outsider perspective, I was happy and confident. But inside I was insecure, scared, lost and unfulfilled in pretty much every area of my life.


  • I was waitressing, working late nights and going to college.
  • I was basically just making enough money to pay the bills and go on a Ross “shopping spree” once every six months.
  • My parents got divorced five years prior leaving my mom mentally ill and my relationship with my dad… well, there was barely a relationship with my dad.
  • I was dating guys, depending on them to make me happy and make me feel pretty. Two things I now realize are up to me to decide.
  • Around this time is when my binge-eating disorder started.

I was a mess. I hid it well, though.

So in November 2006 I decided to go ahead and have the procedure to get implants.

This is when everything changed.

But not right away… over the course of years.

Even with my implants, I was still:

  • insecure in my body
  • picking my body apart in the mirror
  • constantly comparing myself to other women
  • dieting, binging and over exercising to “fix” my body

They did nothing to make me feel whole or confident. Nothing.

In 2007 I was 25 and a newly certified Personal Trainer through NASM. I was heavily into fitness – obsessed really. I was also an aspiring fitness competitor. And do you know what 99% of fitness competitors have? You guessed it – implants.

Fast forward a few years, in March of 2010 I met John and in July of 2011 we had Connor… this is when things slowly started to go downhill.

I chalked up the extreme fatigue, moodiness/hormonal, low libido and brain fog to just having a baby, being a new stay at home mom and a bored house wife who’s copped up in an 800 sq. ft apartment all day with a newborn.

I can’t even tell you how many arguments John & I got into because I was too tired to go anywhere, I was too tired for sex, I was being a cranky b%*@# and I was forgetting everything. It’s a miracle we’re still together.

In September of 2014 I competed in a fitness competition – my second one in a year.

This is when things started to go downhill, FAST.

The next month, October 2014, I had a lymphnode in my right armpit get extremely tender and swollen. At first I thought I pulled something in the gym, but one night I noticed in the bathroom that it was in my armpit. When I stretched the skin, you could actually see what looked like a small olive in my armpit. Kinda between my armpit and right breast. I freaked!

I went to my gyno that week to show her. She felt it (ouch) and said something along the lines of “it feels like a lympnode, if it goes away and then comes back then go see a doctor“. She didn’t seem alarmed or concerned at all about it so I didn’t either.

About a week later it went away. Sigh of relief. But not for long.

The next month, December 2014, it returned. I really started to freak out.

This is when I began researching everything I could about lymphnodes and the lymphatic system. Something had to be reacting to my lymphnode. Lymphnodes don’t just flare up for no reason. 

This is also the time when my extreme anxiety/depression bouts and massive hair loss began, and all my other symptoms (extreme fatigue, hormonal/moodiness and brain fog) started accelerating. 

I was waking up with so much anxiety and a sick stomach every morning that I’d have to go for a walk around the block and sip on ginger tea as soon as I woke up to calm my body down. Something I’ve NEVER experienced before.

I remember my anxiety and depression was so bad that on December 31st 2014, as we were out celebrating the new year, I thought to myself “this is going to be the last time I celebrate a new year.

I felt like I was literally dying. Like something was killing me.

I even thought I might have cancer – lymphoma &/or breast cancer because I found lumps in my right breast in January 2015 (that’s an entirely different story) and where my passion for detoxing, toxins and holistic health sparked.

I was losing sooooo much hair in the shower and in my brush that it startled the crap out of me. How am I not bald?

In 2015 I was given antibiotics, antiviral medicine and anxiety pills like it was candy. Nobody ever thought to ask me if I had foreign objects in my body. And I was told “they’re safe” back in 2006 so I never even thought to consider them.

The antibiotics and antiviral medication did absolutely nothing for my lympnode. Each month it returned. Some months it’d stay for two weeks, some months it’d stay for the entire month. I have been dealing with this issue since 2014 – for four years!

2015 was by far the worst year of my life.

  • *brain fog/memory/concentration issues
  • *extreme fatigue (even though I slept for 10 hours)
  • anxiety/depression bouts
  • *hair loss/dry thinning hair
  • *low/no libido
  • *tender lympnode in my armpit
  • *vision declining/blurry vision
  • *whacked hormones/moodiness
  • cancer scare
  • lumps found in my breast

*consistently dealing with this each day/every month

Over the course of  the following years I learned how to live with these symptoms. They became apart of me. I forgot what the old me, the real me, felt like or who she was.

In early 2017 a few more symptoms showed up:

  • shortness of breath/gasping for air
  • ringing in my ears
  • achy, stiff hip joint
  • hyperthyroid diagnosis 

12 symptoms now at this point.

Lucky for me, 2017 is the year I discovered BREAST IMPLANT ILLNESS.

What in the world? Tens of thousands of other women who have my EXACT same story and symptoms. Oh-Em-Gee.

This was both scary as crap and exciting!

I found the root cause.

So here we are, August 30th 2018 and I’m four weeks post EXPLANT.

I want to share with you what’s changed and also a message.

Since my explant:

  • my stiff, achy hip joint pain is 100% gone. I used to wake up so stiff – not anymore.
  • my shortness of breath is 100% gone. I have not gasped for air once!
  • my skin and hair are so oily and healthy looking (one of the first noticeable things to return).
  • I’m not losing much hair in the shower at all.
  • my lymphnode has not flared up. By this time of month it would have already. I had scar tissue wrapped around it – something my surgeons never seen before.
  • I have soooo much more energy and I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go.
  • my brain fog has lifted. I feel like I’m not walking in a cloud anymore.
  • my libido is baaaaaack.
  • I haven’t worn my glasses. My eyes feel less dry and blurry.
  • I don’t hear loud ringing in my ears at night anymore.

Being able to move without pain, inhale a deep satisfied breath, make it through the day without feeling tired, see and think more clearly, and watch my hair and skin produce oils again has been life changing. I’m 35. Everything I’ve gone through should not happen to a young 30-something.

You can not convince me that breast implants are 100% safe.

It’s not a coincidence that as soon as I get my implants removed 90% of my symptoms (symptoms I’ve dealt with for four years) are gone. Not kinda gone – 100% G.O.N.E.

  1. Will everyone experience Breast Implant Illness? No. It’s about 50/50. With this being said, everyone will have an immune response, though. From day one your body will start fighting them. Overtime this will become very taxing for your body – this is a fact.
  2. Is it worth taking the chance to see how your body will respond? No. Not only is it a possible waste of money, it’s not worth the risks.
  3. Will they make you happier and more confident? Who knows, but for me they did not.

Getting my implants removed was the bravest thing I’ve ever done. I’m at a place in my life where 1. I just want to feel healthy, 2. I love my body just as it is, and 3. my health comes first.

Who am I to teach others about health and self-love if I have breast implants? That did not feel aligned or authentic to me.

In March 2017, the FDA finally issued a warning that breast implants cause BIA-ALCL cancer, a cancer of the immune system.

It does not matter if you have silicone or saline implants, they’re both toxic.

  • Saline implants have a silicone shell and can harbor mold, bacteria and fungus due to faulty valves.
  • Silicone implants, specifically the cohesive gel, seem to be the worst because they contain more aggressive chemicals.

Both saline and silicone implants have over 40 known toxins, impair the immune system and release toxins because the shell deteriorates and breaks down over time.

Here’s my message to you,

Breasts do not make you “more womanly” – whatever that means.

You’re beautiful, just as you are.

You are enough, just as you are.

You are more than your breast size.

Having confidence has nothing to do with your looks or breast size.

You are deserving of love, respect and recognition, right now, as you are.

It’s time to put yourself first. Fall in love with your body. Respect your body. Embrace your body. Be patient with your body. Nobody is supposed to make you happy or tell you you’re beautiful – that’s something you give and tell yourself.

Resources to fill your mind and heal your body:

Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education with Christina (Private Facebook Group)

Size: Happy With Christina Instagram Page

here’s to self-love & vibrant health,

Christina Roulund